Gula Melaka Huat Kueh

Gula Melaka Huat Kueh

200g self raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
140g gula melaka sugar
200ml coconut milk
75ml of water
Pandan leave - for cooking the sugar syrup

1. Sift the flour and baking powder in a big bowl.
2. Melt the gula melaka, water and coconut with pandan leave in a pot until the sugar melt completely.
3. Cool the sugar syrup a little.
4. Mix the sugar syrup with the flour.
5 Pour into individual cup cake mould or a bigger cake mould.
6. Steam on high heat for 20 min or till the skewer came out clean.

If making bigger huat kueh, steam for longer hour and fill up the cupcake to the brine. The "explosion" effect will be better. If you find the huat kueh too boring, you can add a drop of red colouring on top. 
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