Ayam pangpang kecap

4 Chicken thigh with drums

For marinate
1 tbsp of salt
Tamarind water

For blending
6 chilis
3 candle nuts
4 cloves of garlic
8 shallots
2 tbsp of water 

Kecap manis

1) Clean the chicken thighs. 
2) Heat up the wok with 3 tsp of butter. Add the blended spices and cook until dry.
3) Add 650ml of water, add 6 tbsp of kecap Manis and a tbsp of sugar. 
4) Simmer the chicken thigh in the broth for 40mins in small fire. 
5) Before serving, preheat the oven with grilling mode. Place the chicken thigh into the oven and grill for 15min. Continue seasoning the thigh with the left over broth while grilling. 
6) Serve with rice. 

Afternote: I didn't want to claim this is my work before I got it from Facebook Asian Food Channel. It has YouTube to teach u step by step so please follow the chef and you will get ur yummy Ayam pangpang kecap an hour later.

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Seafood porridge

6 Prawns
50g minced pork
250g clams
300g sliced fish
Chinese cabbage
Tang Orh
Minced garlic
Minced 东菜

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