Crabs bee hoon

Simple Crabs Bee Hoon (No milk version)



Crabs - any amount cut into 4

Thick or thin bee hoon


Ginger - 6 or more slices

Garlic - 5 cloves (half them)

Big onion - cut into thick strips

Spring onion - 3 or more stalks, remove the root. leave it as stalk for cooking


Thin Bee Hoon

- soak the thin dried bee hoon



you can make stock by

1) using ikan bilis

2) using instant chicken or ikan bilis stock

3) packet soup stock



Cooking wine - 1/3 cup or more

fish sauce - 1 tbsp





1) Clean the crabs and chops into 4 pieces. Set aside.

2) Heat the wok, add oil, ginger, garlic and onion to stir fry for 2 min

3) At high heat, add in the crabs, do a quick stir fry for 2 mins.

4) Add in cooking wine and fish sauce. stir fry to mix well.

5) Add in stock. Be careful when you add in the stock as it will suddenly

boils up due to high heat. Add in the spring onion.

6) Stock must cover over the crabs, if not enough stock you can add water

7) Cover the wok with a lid and cook until the crabs turns red.


If you going to eat immediately, you can add in the bee hoon, taste the soup

and adjust the seasoning accordingly.


If you are not eating immediately or wanted to use the crab stock for steamboat.

pick out all the crabs once it turns red. Pick up the ginger, garlic, onion, spring onion

as we wanted to keep the soup clean for steamboat base.


only add the crabs back into the steamboat when eating. Didnt want the

crabs to soak inside the stock and lose it sweetness.


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Circuit breaker preparation

PM Lee announced there is a need to have a circuit breaker but it was not a lock down. However my CE doesn't allow us to go back office anymore therefore we are all preparing to work from home.
These few weeks after the Covid 19 we have being buying more frequently so we dun go into mad rush with other people. 

Like today we went to get 5 more packs for toilet rolls whenever we visit supermarket n there is no queue. When I pack my kitchen I can inventories my stocks as below

Luncheon meat - 2 tins
Tuna - 3 tins
Sardine - 2 tiny tins
Bread flour - 2 kg
Top flour - 1 kg
Cake flour - 1kg
Plain flour - 1 kg
Pao flour - 500g
Cooking oil - 3kg
Olive oil - 1kg
Salt - 200g
Pancake mix - 2packs
Instant noodles - 6 packs
Instant porridge - 8 packs
Rice - 11kg
Glutinous rice - 2kg

All kinds of seasoning like chicken powder, mushroom powder, soya sauce, fish sauce, sugar etc. 
Instant sauces like mee Siam, curry chicken sauce, Assam fish sauce, mee rebus sauce.

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Yam Cake

Yam cake
50g dried shrimp - soak n chop into smaller pieces
200g yam - cut into strips or cube
5 shallots - slices for frying (Shirley added) 
50g oil for frying
180g rice flour
500g water


1. Mix rice flour, water and seasoning. Will be nice to add a bit of fish sauce if u have any. 
2. Fried the shallot till brown n crispy. Take out and set aside. Remove the oil in the wok. No need to wash the wok, leave a bit of oil.
3. Add in dried shrimp n fry till fragrant, add in yam n stir fry for 5min.
4. Add in oil used for frying shallot. Continue to fry the ingredients.
5. Add in fried shallots.
6. Add in rice flour mixture. Turn the fire to small after adding in the rice flour mixture. Keep frying n stirring.
7. You will see some lumps but keep mixing it will.
8. After u form a big yam lump turn off the fire and continue to mix for 5min.
9. Oil a baking tin
10. Transfer the yam mixture into the baking tin and press the yam mixture into the tin.
11. Steam the yam cake for 1hr over high fire.
12. Test with chopstick by sticking into the yam cake after 1hr. The chopstick should come out quite clean.
13. Let it cool down before cutting.
14. Enjoy the yam cake.
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Jian tui

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Chocolate Rice Cookies

Chocolate Rice cookies (170deg – 15min)
250g Butter (hard)
115g sugar
1 tsp Vanilla extract
1 large egg
1 tsp coffee extract/flavour
440 g plain flour (3-1/2 cup)
¼ salt
60g chocolate rice

1.       Sift flour and salt.
2.       Cream the butter, vanilla extract with sugar until pale creamy white.
3.       Add in egg and coffee extract and mix well.
4.       Add in sifted flour. Mixed till crumbed.
5.       Add 60g of chocolate rice into the dough.
6.       Shape the cookies dough into long tube.
7.       Fridge for 1hr until firm.
1.       Cut the cookie dough while still firm and bake in oven 170 deg for 15min.
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