Garlic butter spread

Butter - 250g (salted or unsalted)
Garlic - 1 bu1b
Salt - 1/2 tsp
Olive oil
dried parsley - 1.5tsp

1. Make a cut at the top of the bulb of garlic. Drizzle some olive oil and wrap the garlic in aluminum foil. Bake it at 180 deg for 30min. You can do this in airfryer.
2. Leave the butter at room temperature to allow it to soften.
3. Cool the garlic before mixing into the butter.
4. Squeeze out the garlic fresh, give it a quick mashed.
5. Cream the butter lightly in a bowl, add in the mashed garlic, salt and dried parsley and mix well.
6. Place in a clean box and fridge it. 

Although the recipe asking for 1 bulb of garlic but you can add more. Adjust the salt accordingly as unsalted may need a little more. 

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