Spicy sour clear fish soup

Spicy sour clear fish soup

3 Kampung fish
Assam slice - 5
Lemon grass - 2 slightly pound
Red Chilli - 3
Shallot - 5 (pound)


  1. Boil a pot of water, add in assam slices, lemon grass, red chilli and shallots and let is simmer for 20 min under small fire.
  2. Add fish and cook for 5 min then add salt/fish sauce to taste

Afternote: This is very simple fish soup to prepare and the sourness can really make you wanna have more. Vary the assam and chilli according to you degree of hotness and sourness. I only cooked the fish everytime I need to serve the soup so the fish will not be left overcooked. You can choose other fish. I like kampung fish cos this is the way my mother cooked the dishes and we like the "fishy" taste the fish give to the soup. However, not many pple will enjoy the fish taste.

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