Oneh Oneh

Oneh Oneh

3 blocks gula melaka (crushed)
Grated Coconut

Option 2 for the filling
Half pack of grated coconut - steamed it for 5 min with pandan leave.
3/4 block of gula melaka (crushed)- increase or reduce depend on the sweetness u prefer.

1) Heat a saucepan. Add a bit of water then the gula melaka. Wait for the gula melaka to melt then add in grated coconut. Mixed well then take out to cool. 2) Use it as a filling.

1 grated skinless coconut
pinch of salt
pandan leaves

1) steam all the coating ingredient for 3 mins then leave to cool

2 Large sweet potatoes - steamed peeled & mashed
250gm glutinous rice flour (Erawan brand cos more chewy)
150ml warm water
few drops of green colouring if you want

1) Mix well mashed sweet potato, rice flour & food colouring (if needed).
2) add water gradually till a fairly stiff dough is obtained.
3) Knead well, divide dough into small equal portions, form into balls.
4) Make a well in the centre, spoon in the fillings. Seal the hole and reshape the balls.
5) Put a few balls at a into boiling water with pandan leaves. When balls float to surface, remove & roll in coating.

Afternote: This recipe is given to me by a very nice forum mummy when I told her I need to cook something for a gathering. So it is not totally my work but i would like to share with pple who visit my blog.

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