KUEH KERIA (Sweet Potatoes Donut)

4 (agak agak) sweet potatoes
130 g glutinous rice flour, more if necessary
pinch of salt

Coating1 rice bowl sugar
50mm water
3 pandan leaves

skin and boil sweet potatoes till soft. Then mash and mix with sifted flour. Add the flour in small batches. Adjust if necessary until you get a soft but pliable dough. Add salt and shape into rings the size of doughnuts. Set one side.
Boil sugar in water and add pandan leaves.
In a kuali, heat up oil for deep frying. Deep fry the kueh until nice and brown. When all the kueh has been fried, remove the oil, but don't clean the kuali. Add in the sugar syrup and stir until it it thick.
Switch off the heat and put in all the kueh and coat all them of them with the syrup. Shake the kuali around until the sugar coating looks powdery.
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Pizza Dough

Pizza Dough


150gm plain flour

1 tsp sugar

1 tsp instant yeast

1/2tsp salt

110ml water

1 tbsp olive oil


1. Mix dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Add in oil and water, knead into a pliable dough. Continue to knead until very smooth. Cover with damp kitchen towel and leave to rise until it doubles in volume for about 60mins.

2. Punch down dough and shape it into a ball and rest for 10 mins.

3. Roll dough into a round shape - the size of your pizza pan; or divide dough into 2 portions for super thin crusts and shape to round. Use fork to prick holes onto the dough. Rest dough for 20 mins.

4. Half-bake the pizza dough at preheated oven 200 deg cel for 10 mins., remove from oven.

5. Spread tomato paste onto the pizza dough. Spread some cheese over follow by toppings. Lastly top with balance cheese.

6. Bake at 200C for about 12 mins. or till cheese turns golden brown. Serve hot.

After punching the dough.

The amt yield 372g of dough.

Shaping the dough into big round flat base.

Laying on the pizza pan.

Close up of the base. I add flaxseed into the flour to make it healthier.

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Cake fondant ultra-chocolaté

Cake fondant ultra-chocolaté

makes two loafs

for the cake
200g plain flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
50g cocoa powder
275g caster sugar
175g butter
2 eggs
1 tblsp natural vanilla extract
175g chocolate, melted
80g double cream
125g boiling water

for the syrup
1 tsp cocoa powder
125g water
100g caster sugar

for the topping
25g milk chocolate

1) Preheat the oven to 170°C. Grease and line two loaf tins (21 x 11cm and 7.5cm deep) with baking paper, making sure you cut it well above the rim so you’ll have handles to later get the cake out from its tin.
2) Put the flour, baking soda, cocoa, sugar, butter, eggs, vanilla extract, melted chocolate and double cream into a bowl, and mix with a wooden spoon until smooth. Slowly incoporate the boiling water and divide the batter between the twi loaf tins.
3) Bake for an hour, or until firm to the touch.
As soon as the cake is baked, remove from its tin using the baking paper, and place on a cooling rack, leaving the baking paper in place.
4) Put the syrup ingredients of cocoa, water and sugar into a small saucepan, and boil for approximately five minutes, until thickened.
5) When the syrup is ready, pierce the cake a few times using a skewer or a long match, and pour the syrup as evenly as possible over the cake. Let the cake become completely cold, remove the paper, and place it on your serving plate.
6) Get your chocolate, and slice thin slivers off the block with a heavy knife, until you’ve got enough to cover the top of the cake.
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Pizza Ingredient
Cheddar Cheese
Mozerella Cheese
Pasta Sauce

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Onion Herb Bread

Onion & Herb Bread

2 tsp dired yeast
350ml water
500g strong white flour
2 tsp salt
60g unsalted butter
1 big onion - diced

1) Melt 60g butter in a pan over a medium heat, Add 1 onion, chopped. Cook for 10 min until soft and golden.
2) Sprinkle the yeast into 100ml of water. Leave for 5 min, stir to dissolve.
3) Mix the flour and salt together in a large bowl. Make a well in the centre and pour in the yeated water. Add the cooked onion to the well, Mix in the flour. Stir in the remaining water, as nedded, to form a moist, crumbly dough.
4) Turn the dough out on to a lightly floured work surface. Kead the dough until smooth but still sticky, abt 10 min.
5) Put the dough in a clean bowl and cover with a tea towl. Leave to rise until doubled in size, abt 1 - 1.5hrs. Knock back, then leave to rest for 10 min.
6) Shape the dough into a round loaf, Place on a floured baking sheet and cover with a tea towl. Prove until doubled in size, abt 45 min.
7) Bake in the preheated oven of 200 degree for 45 mins until golden and hollow sounding when tapped underneath. Cool on a wire rack.

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