Pizza Dough

Pizza Dough


150gm plain flour

1 tsp sugar

1 tsp instant yeast

1/2tsp salt

110ml water

1 tbsp olive oil


1. Mix dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Add in oil and water, knead into a pliable dough. Continue to knead until very smooth. Cover with damp kitchen towel and leave to rise until it doubles in volume for about 60mins.

2. Punch down dough and shape it into a ball and rest for 10 mins.

3. Roll dough into a round shape - the size of your pizza pan; or divide dough into 2 portions for super thin crusts and shape to round. Use fork to prick holes onto the dough. Rest dough for 20 mins.

4. Half-bake the pizza dough at preheated oven 200 deg cel for 10 mins., remove from oven.

5. Spread tomato paste onto the pizza dough. Spread some cheese over follow by toppings. Lastly top with balance cheese.

6. Bake at 200C for about 12 mins. or till cheese turns golden brown. Serve hot.

After punching the dough.

The amt yield 372g of dough.

Shaping the dough into big round flat base.

Laying on the pizza pan.

Close up of the base. I add flaxseed into the flour to make it healthier.

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