Melt in the mouth Pineapple tart

Melt in the mouth Pineapple tarts by Table for 2... 

  • 250g salted butter
  • 75g sugar
  • 170g cream 
  • 50g cream cheese
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 400g cake flour
  • 30g corn flour

  1. Cream butter, sugar and cream cheese together
  2. When it come together pour in cream and whip in medium speed till it turn creamy.
  3. Beat in egg yolks for 1 min.
  4. Sift both flour together and mix half of the flour into the buttery mixture. Mix in low speed until it comes together and pour in the remaining flour until it comes together. Do not over mix. 
  5. Allow the dough to sit for minimum 10 min before rolling out. 
  6. Bake in the oven of 180c for 15-20 min.

Afternote: This is one of the best crust dough for pineapple tarts. I made it in 2012 and I switched back to phoot huat recipe in 2013 cos the ingredients are more expansive. However, I decided to go back to his recipe again. 
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