Hokkien Mee

Hokkien Mee

Shell Lala - 200g
Pork - 30g
prawn - 6 pc
Minced garlic
Yellow flat noodles

Black soya sauce
Oyster sauce
Fish sauce
Water / Stock - 2 cups

1) Heat up the wok with oil, add in garlic, pork and stir fry for 1 min
2) Add in prawn, then add in 2 cups of water / stock. Bring it to boil.
3) Once boiled, add in prawn and squid, cooked for 1 min
4) Add in lala and vegetable
5) Once the Lala has started to open up, add in the noodles.
6) Season it with oyster sauce, black soya sauce & fish sauce to taste.
7) Cooked abt 5 - 8 mins and dish it out and serve.

Note: I am not using the Singapore Yellow noodles for this dishes as I really dun like the "gi" taste at all. So happen that I got a packet of Fuzhou noodles from Yong Peng during a one day makan trip tour. I used it to cook the Hokkien mee instead. This noodles is really good, it doesnt turn soggy easily and very chewy. Best of all that it doesnt have the "gi" taste at all.

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