Earl grey chiffon cake

Earl grey chiffon Cake by Cherly Lam

Earl Grey milk tea
120ml fresh milk
6g Earl Grey tea leaves
1. heat milk in a saucepan until hot (not boiling hot) and soak tea leaves for 5-10 min
2. Drain the milk tea and if not enough, top with extra milk until 110g. Let cool.

5 eggs yolks
20g castor sugar
110ml of earl grey milk tea
100g cake flour
1 tsp of baking powder
80ml of corn oil

5 egg yolks
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
60 - 80g castor sugar

1. Preheat oven 170C
2. Beat egg yolks and sugar for around 4 mins. Stir in milk tea, Add 3- 4 tsp ea leaves. Soft in cake flour and baking powder. Lightly combine together. Stir in 1/3 oil at a time, Combine well. Set aside the batter.
3. Whisk the egg whites with cream of tartar at high speed, add sugar gradually till achieve stiff peaks. 
4. Mixture 1/3 of the egg whites with the batter till evenly. Pour the batter mixture back to the egg white till evenly. 
5. Grease the cake tin. Bake in the over at 170C for 20 min then turn down to 160C for another 20 min. 
6. Test the cake with a skewer before removing from the oven. Invert it to cool if u are using the chiffon cake mold.

I didnt use the Earl Grey tea bag, I got a bottle of ready earl grey powder that I mixed two teaspoons of the earl grey powder in my batter. This is a very good chiffon cake recipe and I am also using the baking with the fan mode to bake my cake. The cake rise well and it doesnt collapse after it cool down. 
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