Steam Chicken with Chinese mushroom and salty fish

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Clear soup Ramen

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Quick Miso Ramen

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Sweet and sour fish

Sweet and Sour Fish

400g of red snapper (you can use any fish u like)
red bell pepper
1 tsp oyster sauce
2 tbsp of SOS chilli sauce
1 tbsp of tomatoes sauce
1 tsp apple cider
1 tsp of sugar
3 tbsp of water
  1. Slice the fish into thickness of 0.5 cm and season it with soya sauce, sugar and pepper. Then coat the slice fish with cornflour.
  2. Deep the bell pepper for 2 min, set side for stir-fry later.
  3. Deep fried the fish in hot oil till it turn slight golden brown. Do not over cook the fish.
  4. Set a wok for stir fry. Add one tbsp of oil to the wok, stir fried onion and red pepper.
  5. Add the sauce and bring it to boil.
  6. Lastly add the fried sliced fish and serve


I tried making this dish a few time but never did one turn out this good. It is all about the sauce when you talk about the sweet sour fish or pork. Whenever we ordered this dish at Cze Char, I always find the sauce very artificially red. You know the quality of tomatoes or chilli sauce they give is only that of quality. Back home, when you cook for the family. U just wanna make sure it is good for the family member. Although Chilli or tomatoes are not consider the most healthy food but it is inevitable they are a good sauce for cooking.

Here let me introduce you this wonderful SOS chili sauce that I got from Sitiawan. I think it can be easily found in Malaysia, if not at supermarket try neighbourhood herbal shop or provision shop. They should carry it. The SOS chilli sauce is sweet sour and hot! It is much more spicy then the normal Maggi Chilli sauce and it is just taste better. My aunt introduced to me and she called it 海鲜酱 where I dun see why it is call that way as it doesnt taste any seafood at all however we all realised the sauce is very volatile and create alot of wonder flavour from it.
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Egg toufu broccoli with egg sauce

Egg Toufu broccoli with egg sauce
2 tube of egg toufu
a bunch of broccoli
1 egg
1 cup of stock
a tsp of oyster sauce
1/2 tsp of sugar
1/2 tsp of sesame oil
3 slices of ginger

  1. Cut the egg toufu into 6 pieces, coat it with cornflour.
  2. Prepare a pot of hot oil for frying the egg toufu.
  3. Fried the egg toufu till golden brown, set aside for later use.
  4. Wash the broccoli, prepare a pot of hot boiling. Sock the broccoli in the hot water for 10 mins.
  5. Pour away the hot water that are used to soak the broccoli.
  6. Heat up the wok, add oil and ginger. Then add in the broccoli and did a quick fry.
  7. Add in stock, oyster sauce, sugar and simmer the veg for 3 min. Add cornflour mixture to thicken the sauce.
  8. Beat the egg and add into the sauce, add the egg toufu in and lastly the sesame oil.
  9. dish out and serve.
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