Fuchow egg noodles (Long Yan 蛋燕)

Long Yan is the Fuchow dialect pronouncation. In Chinese we can 蛋燕. It is our childhood dishes that grandma and my mother will cook. My mum has always being cooking this dishes in the early years but after she started working she cooked less and forgotten some of the recipes. (Old pple doesnt write down her recipe and based on memory) So if we missed the dishes very much, we will have to guess and I dun really like guessing if I have to cook alot as I dun want to waste a big pot of food away.

I chance upon the recipe of the egg noodles (Long Yan) in a Y3K magazine that is featuring Fuchow food but that was a few years back issue that has the recipe of the Long Yan. I couldnt find that issue anymore and regretted not buying the old magazine on the spot.

Recently, I followed these ladies who try to whip up food from Perak and some ladies out there recreate the dish and I am so delighted to try it out. Looking at the ingredient, it shouldnt be too much different. My sister and mum will be very happy to taste the dish again and I would like my BFF Viven to taste our traditional food.

Ingredients for Egg Noodles (batter) :
- 500g tapioca flour
- 190g plain flour
- 710ml water
- 1 egg (add extra eggs if you want it to be more springy)
(if you do not like to add any egg, the water should be 750ml. 1 egg->reduce 40ml water)

1. Place all the ingredient in the bowl and mix well
2) Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a pan or wok. Pour 1 ladle of batter into the wok and fry until both sides are cooked. Repeat the whole process for the remaining batter.
3) It's not necessary to add oil to the pan anymore as the pancake will not stick to the pan or if you are using non-stick pan.
4) Roll the pancake individually and use scissors to cut it. Place the freshly cut egg noodles into a serving bowl and add your choice of soup into it.
5) The balance of egg noodles can be stored in the fridge or frozen for future use. However, for refrigerated egg noodles, you need to add it into the soup to be cooked for a while before serving.
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