Simply Black Soup

Black is the colour that is important to me. Yes, only to me. There is a secret behind it but sorry I am not tell u. Hahaha... I mean food that is black. Here is a simply black soup that is simply delicious and only good for me, particularly me. But I think my kids are going to fight with me for the soup as well.

Simply Black Soup


3 Tbsp of blackbean
4 clove of garlic
Half black chicken

1. Pan fry the blackbean for 10 mins, dun burn it.
2. Wash the black chicken, u can chopped it into smaller piece or chop into quarter. I like to leave it in big pieces when cooking soup.
3. Place the chicken, blackbean and garlic into the slow cooker. Add water to cover the ingredient. Set it to cook for 2hrs.
4. Salt to taste.
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