Madam Morrice's dark Chocolate Raspherry Tart

Do you watch MasterChef TV show? I didnt manage to catch it although I watch AFC, Food Network alot cos they are my favourite TV Channel in my box. Here this lady call Audra Morrice (I like the surname) had won the Australia MasterChef challenge in Australia and she was borned and raised in Singapore. That make her once a Singaporean if I was not wrong. She published her winning dish Dark-chocolate Raspberry tart to reader. I chance upon the recipe when I read in MyPaper and I tell myself I am going to try making it.

 225g of plain flour a pinch of salt
 2 tbsp of icing sugar
 2 tbsp cocoa powder
 140g cold unsalted butter, chopped
 2 tbsp iced water

Ganache filling
500g dark chocolate (70% cent cocoa solids)
200g unsalted butter, chopped

Cherry-port jelly:
375ml Cherry port
2 tbsp caster sugar
5 gelatine leaves (gold strength)

Raspberry puree:
125g raspberries (squished or frozen)
1 tbsp icing sugar
1 tsp corn syrup or glucose

1. Pre-heat oven to 200 deg C.
2. For Pastry: Place flour, salt, sugar and cocoa powder in a food processor and process for 15 sec until combined. Add butter and process until butter is finely chopped. Add iced water slowly until it forms a dough what comes together when pressed. Wrap in cling wrap and refrigerate for 20 mins.
3. For ganache: Chop chocolate in a food preocessor until finely chopped. Place butter in a large bowl over a saucepan with 3cm of just-simmering water, then tip chocolate onto butter. Turn off heat and stir occasionally until chocolate and butter have melted. Keep bowl n saucepan until ready to use.
4. For jelly: POur port and sugar into a saucepan over medium heat, and stir until sugar has dissolved. Boil for 5 mins, then remove from heat. Soften gelatine in cold water, wiring and add into warm port mixture. Stir until dissolved, strian and keep warm until ready to use.
5. Roll pastry out between two sheets of baking paper till pastry is 3mm thick. remove one sheet and lay pastry ove a 23cm round fluted tart tin with a removable base. Press into tin, especially into sides. Remove other sheet and trim pastry. Refrigerate for 20 mins. Blind bake for 13-15 min until sides are crisp. Bake for another 10 min until base is dry. Cool in fridge for 10 min.
6. Pour warm ganache into cooled tart tin, shake gently to leve. Allow 0.5cm for jelly layer. Refrigerate for 10 min to set the ganache. Pour a layer of warm jelly on top of the tart. Allow to set in fridge for 10 min or until ready to serve.
7. For raspberry puree: Pplace respberries, sugar and glucose into a small saucepan and heat until it becomes liquid. Sieve out seeds. 8. Decorate tart with raspberries and drizzle with raspberry puree.
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