Pineapple Cookies / Tarts

100gm Butter Salted
125g Flour
1nos egg yolk
1tbsp Skim Milk powder
20gm caster sugar
1/2tsp Vanilla Flavour
1 pack pineapple filling

1) Mix the butter, vanilla & sugar together then add in the egg yolk and mix well
2) Add in the flour and milk powder, mix to a dough
3) divide the dough to 10gm each
4) Flatten the dough and wrap in the pineapple filling (8gm) each
5) Use a pattern plastic to make the design and roll over
6) Put on a baking tray and brush egg wash on the cookies and bake at 170 deg for 20mins
7) Take out and let it cool down and keep in a container.

Egg wash - crack one egg yolk to brush on the cookies
This recipe can yield 27 pc of tarts
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Muffin using Pinnacle Muffin mix

Pinnacle Muffin Mix

500g Pinnacle Muffin Mix
185g eggs
140g Water
185g Oil

1) Place the muffin mix in a mixing bowl, add eggs then water till a smooth batter. Lastly add oil.
2) Mix at low speed using whisk for 1 min
3) Scrape and mix at medium speed for 3 mins.
4) Pour into muffin tins or cups and bake at 210 degree for 18-20 mins
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Italian Focaccia Bread

Ingredient (for 6)

300g bread flour
4g yeast
2g fine sugar
5g salt
190 - 210g water
Olive oil - 1 tbsp
4g Spices (Oregano, Thyme & rosemary)

Olive Oil
Coarse Salt

1) Mix 150g of flour, yeast, salt, sugar and water in a mixing bowl.
2) Add in Olive oil into the mixture, mix well.
3) Add the rest of 150g flour and mixed spices into the mixture and mix well to form a dough.
4) Knead the dough for 15 min till it does not stick to the hand.
5) Set it to prove in the mixing bowl for 1hr
6) After 1st hr of proving, divide the dough into 6 portion.
7) Roll into 6 balls and set to prove for another 15 mins
8) After 15 mins, roll each dough flat onto the baking pan and prove for another 1hr.
9) After the final 1 hr proving, apply some olive oil on top of the dough.
10) Sprinkle/spray some water on top of the dough before sending it to bake for 14 - 15min in pre-heat over of 210 degree.

Note: This bread be kept for 2 weeks if stored in the freezer after baking. To eat, just taw and reheat in the oven.
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Sambal Kacang

Sambel Kacang (Peanut sauce)

225g raw peanut
4 shallots
2 cloves garli
1 tsp crumpled shrimp paste
1/4 salt
125ml vegetable oil
1/2 tsp chilli power
1/2 tsp brown sugar
1 tbsp dark soya sauce
1 tbsp tamarind water

Shell the peanuts. Chop the shallots and garlic and pound in a mortar together with the shrimp paste, salt and 1 tablespoon of water, to produce a smooth paste.
2) Heat the oil in a wok and fry the peanuts for 4 mintues, stirring continueously. Remove with a slotted spoon and leave in a colander to cool, then grind, or pound, to a fine powder.
3) Discard all but 1 tbsp of oil from the wok, re-heat, and fry the spice-paste for 1 minutes. Then add the chillis powderm sugar, soya sauce and 450ml of water.
4) Bring to boil and stir in the ground peanuts.
6) Cook over a moderate heat, stirring occassionally, for 8 - 10 minutes unitl the sauce becomes thick, then add the tamarind water and stir to mix thoroughly.
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Pineapple Tarts

Pineapple Tarts

200g of pineapple fillings
200g of plain flour
140g of cold unsalted butter
2 tbspoon sugar

1) Sift the flour and sugar. Mix well.
2) Cut butter into small cubes and add to flour mixtures
3) Use fingertip to rub the butter into the flour.
4) lightly beat egg yolks and vanilla essence and add ot butter mixture. Combine and knead lightly to form a dough. Wrap dough in clingwrap and chill it for 1 hour to firm it up. Chilling the dough makes it easy to handle.

5) Line a baking tray with greaseroof paper. Divie dough into two potrtion to a thickeness of abt 7mm. Dip cookie cutter and cut out shapes.
6) Use a scraper to lift the shapes nad place on the tray.
7) Create a dent in the middle of the cookies shape
8) Brush egg glaze over the edges of the shapes.
9) Pinch abt 1/2 tablesspoon of pineapple filling and neaten it to form a ball. Compress it lightly, then place on a cookies shape.
10) Preheat the oven at 190 degC for 10 min.
11) Bake for 12 to 15 min, Allow the tarts to cook completely before storing in an sirtight container.


This is the pineapple filings that I made myself. Using 1 pineapple and 3 tbspoon of brown sugar shown below.

Beside that, I recommending this Organic Pure Vanille extract which is so fragnant that u will throw away your artifical Vanilla essense immediately,.
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