Italian Focaccia Bread

Ingredient (for 6)

300g bread flour
4g yeast
2g fine sugar
5g salt
190 - 210g water
Olive oil - 1 tbsp
4g Spices (Oregano, Thyme & rosemary)

Olive Oil
Coarse Salt

1) Mix 150g of flour, yeast, salt, sugar and water in a mixing bowl.
2) Add in Olive oil into the mixture, mix well.
3) Add the rest of 150g flour and mixed spices into the mixture and mix well to form a dough.
4) Knead the dough for 15 min till it does not stick to the hand.
5) Set it to prove in the mixing bowl for 1hr
6) After 1st hr of proving, divide the dough into 6 portion.
7) Roll into 6 balls and set to prove for another 15 mins
8) After 15 mins, roll each dough flat onto the baking pan and prove for another 1hr.
9) After the final 1 hr proving, apply some olive oil on top of the dough.
10) Sprinkle/spray some water on top of the dough before sending it to bake for 14 - 15min in pre-heat over of 210 degree.

Note: This bread be kept for 2 weeks if stored in the freezer after baking. To eat, just taw and reheat in the oven.
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