Killer toast

180g egg milk (1½ egg plus fresh milk)
1 tsp dry yeast
30g sugar (10g if salty bread)
260g bread flour
½ tsp salt (1¼ tsp for salty bread)
30g butter
½ egg (for egg wash)

1)Add egg milk, yeast and sugar and mix 1.5min/37C/sp3.

2)Add flour and salt and knead 5min.

3)Add butter and knead 2min.

4)Oil hands and shape to 6 rolls (80g each) or 12 balls (40g each) and proof till double.

5)Brush the egg wash over the top of the buns and bake 170C for 10-15 mins. Note: if doing as loaf baking time will be longer around 45 mins.

Afternote: Comparing to Killer toast. I find Roti Sisir is better. Anyway, I dun own this recipe as well. Killer toast is an in recipe to try out now. 
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Roti Sisir

I do not own this recipe, I got it from a member in facebook. Actually if you search Roti Sisir in Pinterest, you will see all in Bahasa Indonesia. Therefore I have to thanks the facebook member to actually translate the recipe into English and shared with the people. Serious it was a very very good bread recipe. 
The recipe is by Roti Manis Liliana Wijaya recipe (from instagram) so soft n yummy, you guys should try 😘

Roti sisir (roti manis @liliana.wijaya68)

300gr bread flour
60gr sugar
10gr milk powder
5gr instant yeast
220gr liquid content: 2egg yolks+40gr whipping cream+Milk
25gr Unsalted butter
2gr Salt
(milk, whip cream, & butter refrigeratorp temperature)

1. Mixed all dry ingredients (except salt) in mixer bowl, using low speed mix until combined
2. Add liquid ingredients, gradually, mix using medium speed until smooth
3. Add butter and salt, mix using medium speed  until window pane stage
4. Gather into a ball and allow to proof until doubled about 45minutes
5. Roll out into a flat then divide the dough per 40gr, round it up like a ball, do it for all, and roll  out the ball up and down like oval shape, and do the same for the reverse, after it folding it aside and gently press the fold and put in the pan, repeat for all balls
6. Proof again for 1hours and bake 170-180°C 20mins until golden brown
7.After take out from oven, brush the top using butter so the top will shiny, allow to cool on the rack
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