Killer toast

180g egg milk (1½ egg plus fresh milk)
1 tsp dry yeast
30g sugar (10g if salty bread)
260g bread flour
½ tsp salt (1¼ tsp for salty bread)
30g butter
½ egg (for egg wash)

1)Add egg milk, yeast and sugar and mix 1.5min/37C/sp3.

2)Add flour and salt and knead 5min.

3)Add butter and knead 2min.

4)Oil hands and shape to 6 rolls (80g each) or 12 balls (40g each) and proof till double.

5)Brush the egg wash over the top of the buns and bake 170C for 10-15 mins. Note: if doing as loaf baking time will be longer around 45 mins.

Afternote: Comparing to Killer toast. I find Roti Sisir is better. Anyway, I dun own this recipe as well. Killer toast is an in recipe to try out now. 
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