Sambal ulek indonesia

I decided not to wait as I scare that I will lose interest once I dint do it fast. So I pop by NTUC and get myself some chilli to make the sambal. I decided to tweet the Ulek a little and create something personnal.

This is my version of Sambal Ulek

15 Red chill
10 Chilli padi
1 tbsp Belachan
1 Candlenut
4 Shallot
8 Garlic
2 Tomatoes


I roasted the belachan to release it aroma then pan fry each of the ingredient to bring out the flavour.

Blend all together and viola.

I wanted to try two different version. Only blended and cooked it further.

I took out a small portion n further cook it with oil and the result is even better. The flavour is much intense compare to the other version that only to be blended. However, it is not very spicy, it is not choking hot as I imagine. I guess the tomatoes have mellow the heatness slightly. Will take note and add more chilli padi next round.

This chilli is great to go with rice n crackers.

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