Maltiflower Knotweed & sesame Roll

Maltiflower Knotweed and Sesame Roll

600g Black sesame seed
4800g water
600g water chestnut powder
1200g sugar
150g sesame oil
19g Maltuflower Knotweed powder
1) Sitr fry sesame, then soak in iced water, add 3.9kg water & ground into thick paste. Filter out residues to make a smooth paste.
2) take sesame juice from the sesame liquid, cook with sugar & sesame oil to make sweetened solution.
3) Dissolve water chestbut powder & maltiflower knotweed with 900g of water. Strain & remove residue.
4) Heat the chestnut solution and sesame paste. stir well to make batter, then mixed with sweetened liquid.
5) Pour the mixture into a cake pan, spread slightly to make a thin layer. Steam over high heat for 5 min, cool and roll into stroll.

Note: i) Black sesame may contain impurities, so rinse it with water repeatedly to let impurities deposit at the basin, then scoop ou tthe sesame on top. Stir fry the clean sesame to remove it bad odour but dont overcook the sesame.
ii) Soak the sauteed sesame in ied water immediately after frying to lowe its temperature. Sesame is an oil ingredient, it will giev out heat automatically after being heated, soaking can prevent sesame from over-heating and turning scorched.
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