Apple cider green chilli

Green chilli
Apple cider

1) Cut the chilli, try using a salad spinner to spin away as many seeds as possible.
2) Boil a pot of water, pour it over the chilli and let it simmer for 1 min. Strain it.
3) Dissolve the 500ml of apple cider and 4 tablespoon of sugar n 0.5 teaspoon of salt together.
4) Pour it over the chilli, once chill keep it in fridge.
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Quick n simple curry fillet

1 fish fillet
Curry powder

1) Pat dry the fillet. Apply curry powder on the fillet.
2) Heat up the pan n pan fry till cook.
3) Serve with salad.

Fast fish dish for my diet. Delicious n curry powder is consider natural spices. My kids are very much amaze by this dish. They are delightful to know that they can take curry without the need to rush for water.
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Mixed vegetable

Lotus root - slices
8 Fresh mushroom
Black fungus
Garlic - slice

Oyster sauce

1) Stir fry the garlic, add lotus root 1st then black fungus and lastly the mushroom.
2) Add half a tbsp oyster sauce. Fry till fragrant and serve.

Note: A simple and fast dish that can be cooked within mins and taste wonderful.
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Steamed fish in Hong Kong Style

1 whole fish
Ginger - slices
Spring onion
2 tbsp oil

2 tbsp light soya sauce
3 tbsp water
1/2 tsp sugar

1) clean the fish well, place a few stalk of spring onion on the plate. Place the fish on top.
2) Steamed the fish for 10 mins.
3) Discard the fish water, place the fish in a clean plate.
4) Place the spring onion and coriander leave on top of the fish. Heat the oil and pour in top of the fish.
5) Heat up the seasoning n pour on top of the fish. Serve immediately.

Note: Hubby told his mother that the dish taste just like the restaurant way. I brought "金目卢" fish to steam, rbr to check with the fish monger if the fish is from open sea and not from the pond as the pond rear fish has a very strong mud taste. Instead of using 2 tbsp of light soya sauce, I increase it to 3 tbsp as I know my kids love to have the sauce together with the rice.
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Egg tarts


100g cold butter
200g plain flour
50g icing sugar
1/2 egg

Mixture A
2 eggs
50 g fresh / evaporated milk
70g water
50g sugar

1) Shift flour, mixed butter, icing sugar together. Add 1/2 egg and mixed into a dough. Chill in the fridge for 30 min
2) Prepare Mixture A, strain the mixture to get a smooth egg batter.
3) Divide the dough into small dough of approx 25g and mould into the tart tin.
4) Pour the egg mixture into individual mould.
5) Bake in oven 180 deg for 15-20 min.

Did know making egg tart is actually so easy.
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