Inside out Smores Brownies

I wanted to make this brownies for Xmas. Oh Yah!!!
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Chocolate Cake with Orange Buttercream and Chocolate Ganache

Chocolate Cake with Orange Buttercream and Chocolate Ganache
by The Italian Dishes -

Servings: Makes 16 servings

For the cake:
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 1/3 cups all-purpose flour
2/3 cup unsweetened cocoa
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 large eggs
3/4 cup milk
6 tablespoons canola oil
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
3/4 cup very hot water

For the buttercream:
4 large egg yolks
3/4 cup sugar
2 sticks unsalted butter , softened (226g)
2 tablespoons orange juice

For the ganache:
12 ounces bittersweet chocolate , chopped (340g)
4 tablespoons unsalted butter , softened and diced (56g)
1 cup heavy or whipping cream
1 tablespoon sugar

For the cake:
1. Preheat oven to 375°F. Line a 15 1/2" x 10 1/2" jelly-roll pan with parchment paper; spray paper with nonstick cooking spray.
2. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, combine sugar, flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, and salt at medium speed until blended. In another bowl, whisk eggs, milk, oil, and vanilla.
3. Gradually beat egg mixture into flour mixture, about 5 minutes. Shift mixer to low speed; add hot water until blended.
4. Pour batter into pan. Bake until toothpick comes out of the center clean, 20 to 25 minutes. Cool cake completely.

For the orange buttercream:
1. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, beat egg yolks at medium speed until they become lemon colored and ribbonlike when beaters are lifted, about 5 minutes. Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, combine sugar and 1/4 cup water.
2. Cook over medium-low heat, swirling pan occasionally, until sugar completely dissolves and syrup just comes to a boil.
3. Increase heat to high; boil syrup until it registers 238°F on a candy thermometer. With the mixer on medium speed, immediately add syrup to beaten egg yolks in a thin, steady stream.
4. Beat mixture until it cools to room temperature and is light and fluffy, about 10 minutes. Gradually add butter, 1 tablespoon at a time, until completely incorporated. Add orange juice and stir.

For the ganache:
1. In a large bowl, combine chocolate and butter. In a small saucepan, heat cream and sugar over medium-high flame, stirring occasionally, until small bubbles appear around edge of pan.
2. Pour hot cream over chocolate; stir until chocolate and butter melt and mixture is completely smooth. Cool, stirring occasionally, until thickened but not pasty, about 15 minutes.

1. Invert cake onto a large wire rack; peel off parchment paper. Invert cake again onto a large cutting board. With a serrated knife, cut cake into equal thirds.
2. Set a large wire rack over a sheet of waxed paper. Arrange one cake layer on rack; spread half of buttercream evenly over top.
3. Add another cake layer; spread top with remaining buttercream. Place remaining cake layer on top.
4. Pour ganache over top of cake, spreading with a spatula so it coats the sides.
5. If ganache does not cover sides completely, pour any excess that has collected on the waxed paper back into bowl and spread again.
6. Refrigerate cake until ganache sets, about 1 hour. Use two large spatulas to transfer cake onto a serving platter.
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Bacon Cheddar Beer Bread

Here I found this easy beer bread receipe to try on, the recipe calling for butter and I wasnt a butter person so I will replaced it with Olive oil.

Bacon Cheddar Beer Bread by Thelowroasteditalian -
3 cups all purpose flour (363 grams)
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 1/4 cup shredded cheese (I used Monterey Jack, Colby and Cheddar mixture)
1 12 ounce bottle of beer (can is fine too)
4 slices of bacon, cooked and chopped (1/4 c real bacon bits)
2 tablespoons butter, melted

1. Preheat oven to 350°.

2. Prepare bread pan by greasing with butter. Set aside.
3. In a large bowl, combine flour, baking powder, salt and sugar with a whisk. Make a well in the center. Add bacon, about 4. 3/4 of cheese and full beer into the well.
5. Stir mixture with a spoon until combined.
6. Pour mixture into prepared bread pan. Add remaining cheese. Drizzle with 1 tablespoon of butter. Bake for 30 minutes.
7. Remove from oven and drizzle remaining butter over the top.
8. Bake for an additional 25-30 minutes or until browned on top and loaf thumps when you tap the top.
9. Remove to a wire rack and allow to cool for 5 minutes. Remove from pan and allow to cool on wire rack. You can brush with more butter if you choose.
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Sambal ulek indonesia

I decided not to wait as I scare that I will lose interest once I dint do it fast. So I pop by NTUC and get myself some chilli to make the sambal. I decided to tweet the Ulek a little and create something personnal.

This is my version of Sambal Ulek

15 Red chill
10 Chilli padi
1 tbsp Belachan
1 Candlenut
4 Shallot
8 Garlic
2 Tomatoes


I roasted the belachan to release it aroma then pan fry each of the ingredient to bring out the flavour.

Blend all together and viola.

I wanted to try two different version. Only blended and cooked it further.

I took out a small portion n further cook it with oil and the result is even better. The flavour is much intense compare to the other version that only to be blended. However, it is not very spicy, it is not choking hot as I imagine. I guess the tomatoes have mellow the heatness slightly. Will take note and add more chilli padi next round.

This chilli is great to go with rice n crackers.

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Indonesia Sambal Chilli

I was very captivated by Indonesia Chilli when I 1st tasted it at Batam at Harris Batam Hotel. I simply cannot forget the spicyness of it. It is not the usual Sambal Chilli we had in Singapore, it is just so different. I wanted to get the recipe of it so I could impress my mother and in law and wanted to blow them off the seat.

I googled for "Indonesia Sambal chilli" or they also call "ulek" or "oelek". All of the recipe are make through motar and pounder so it will be blender too fine leaving some chilli fiber when you dipped into it. There are a few recipes that I have shortlist to try on, but not sure if I should get the motar and pounder for it. May be I will dropby mum place to pound my chilli.

1. Fushion Gourment

2. The Partial Ingredient

3. Spice Island
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~ 牛油香酥饼~ by Katherine Kwa

C)40g奶粉、60g粟粉、320g普通面粉、1/2小匙苏打粉 ~ 一起过筛

花嘴 : 1 M 戓 22号
注: *~辫子酥饼~也可采用此食谱

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~菠萝面包~ By Katherine Kwa

(A) 中种面团:

(B) 主面团:

(C) 菠萝馅:
半汤匙柠檬汁 - 煮至浓稠,待冷。

(D) 菠萝饼皮:


将(a)在盘中混合均匀,中间挖一个洞,加入(b)揉成一软团。 将软团压成薄片,切出圆片,盖在发好的面团上。

(1) 先将(A)中种面团里的酵母粉和水拌匀,静置10分钟。再加入其余的材料,直至拌成团。
(2) 盖上保鲜纸,让它发酵2 1/2小时后,将(B)主面团里的糖、盐和蛋加入中种面团里搅拌均匀。再倒入酵母粉、高筋面粉、面粉、牛奶粉和冷水拌匀成团。
(3) 加入牛油,并搅拌至成光滑和富有弹性面团即可。将面团搓圆并包上保鲜纸,让面团发酵20-30分钟。
(4) 将面团分成每分60g,然后搓圆,静置10分钟。
(5) 将小面团压扁,包入菠萝馅料。将面团排放在已涂上油的烤盘。
(6) 作最后发酵45分钟,每份面团都用一层菠萝饼皮盖上,表面涂上蛋液,放入烤箱,以180度烤15分钟至金黄色即可。
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Easy Chocolate Truffles

Easy Chocolate Truffles


150g Dark Chocoalte chopped
50g butter
1/4 cup cream
cocoa powder for dusting

1. Combine butter and cream in a small pan; stir over a low heat until butter has melted. Bring to the boil and remove from heat.
2. Pour the hot cream mixture over the chocolate, using a wooden spoon, stir until chocolate has melted and the micture is smooth.
3. At this point, you may add 1 tablespoon liquer of your choice or orange juice.
4. Chill mixture in the refrigerator, stirring occasionally.
5. When mixture is firm enough to handle, roll heaped teaspoons into balls, place on foil-lined tray and refrigerat until firm.
6. Sift cocoa onto greaseproof paper, Roll each truffle in cocoa until generously coated and refrigerate until firm.

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Prince William Chocolate Cake

Prince William Chocolate Cake

226g Macvities biscuit or tea biscuit
60g butter
100g sugar
113g dark chocolate
1 egg beaten

1. Greas a 6 in cake tin with butter and line with parchment paper.
2. Break each of the biscuit into almond size pieces and set aside. (Do not crush the biscuit into smaller than almond-sized bits)
3. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler.
4. Cream butter and sugar until light lemon in colour.
5. Add the melted chocolate inot the butter/sugar mixture, stirring constantly.
6. Add egg, continue dtirring.
7. Fold in the biscuit pieces until they are all coated with the chocolate mixture.
8. Spoon the misture into prepared cake tin. Try to fill all the gaps on the bottom of the tin.
9. Refrigerate for min 3 hrs. Remove from fridge. Unmould cake from tin.
10. Melt 300g chocolate and pour over cake. Server with cream, fresh berries or eat it just like that!
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