Chilli Prawn

Chilli prawn


  • 8 fresh prawns
  • 1 big onion - julien
  • spring onion
  • minced garlic
  • 1 tbsp Chilli sauce
  • 1 tbsp of Assam
  • Water
  • 2 tsp of sugar

1) Wash and clean the prawns. Soak the assam with 4 tbsp of water.
2) Extract the assam juice to be used later.
3) Heat the saucepan, add oil and prawn to pan fried for 3 mins on each side.
4) Add minced garlic and onion and chilli sauce.
5) Add 2 tbsp of assam juice and 2 tsp of sugar. You can adjust the sourness by adding in more assam juice.
6) Let it boil, add in spring onion and dish out

Note: I didn't follow any recipe for this dish, it is more like something that my mother will cooked for us when we were young. If you like it more sour, you can add more assam juice to it. Adjust the sourness using the sugar. I like it sour and sweet and the chilli add some spicy to the dish. The dish can be quite addictive.
Why I did not add in garlic and onion 1st before the prawn?
I didnt want the garlic to burn and I want the onion to stay crunchy so I add in later. By adding it later, u get a stronger garlic taste instead of burnt garlic and avoid the black burnt garlic on the dish. 
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