Mushroom bacon ham spaghetti

Mushroom bacon ham spaghetti

Barilla Spaghetti
Barilla's Basilico sauce
buttom mushroom
2 slices of bacon
1 onion - roughly dices
4 slices of ham

  1. Cook the spaghetti in a pot of water with salt.
  2. Chopped the bacon into 1 cm strip, cook in a saucepan with olive oil till bacon is crispy.
  3. Add in onion, mushroom and ham.
  4. Add in around 4 tbspoon of sauce, warm it up.
  5. Add in spaghetti and mixed well.
  6. Serve immediately.
Afternote: Because of the sauce, it is still tasty even when the dish turn cook. That is how amazingly nice the dish can be. If you note that I did not even add any seasoning like herb of salt. The bacon is already salty and the onion give out the sweetness have added flavour to the awesome sauce that you dun required to add anymore. Easy right! Easy and good for kids.

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