Love Letters

Love Letters

(extracted from OhTaste Jan 09 Magazine)

3 eggs
150g sugar
250ml thick coconut milk
150g rice flour
60g plain flour
30g tapioca flour
120ml water

1) mix well eggs with sugar, adfd coconut milk and mix further.
2) Sift all type of flour together and combine well with egg mixtures. Mix well with water into batter
3)Brush the mould with oil, heat up then pour in 1 tbsp of batter, Cover the mould and cook till the batter turns golden brown. Remove.
4) whie ti is still hot, fold up or use a small wooden pin to roll the pancake up. Repeat step 3 & 4 till all batter is used up.

Tips for the magazine:
the knack of making love letter is the amount of batter added to the mould, Any lesser will result in an incomplete shape while too much will affect the crispy texture. Rbr to keep the Love letter in a container after you have made abt 10 pcs. This is to prevent them from turning soft.

I have used the recipe to make the love letter and by using the Takada love letter maker machine. It is a very convinence home appliance, and it is none stick too so I dun have to grease the pan at all. The love letter maker will take sometime to make the few rounds of love letter but as times goes I find it quite fast too.

As for the batter, I find it too thick. So I add abt another 100ml of water and 3 more tspoons of sugar. To me, I find that it is not fragrant enough, may be I shld add in more coconut milk instead of water but coconut milk can be quite fattening. I shall let my MIL and mum tried before I conclude again.
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