Hokkien Mee

Hokkien Mee

Shell Lala - 200g
Pork - 30g
prawn - 6 pc
Minced garlic
Yellow flat noodles

Black soya sauce
Oyster sauce
Fish sauce
Water / Stock - 2 cups

1) Heat up the wok with oil, add in garlic, pork and stir fry for 1 min
2) Add in prawn, then add in 2 cups of water / stock. Bring it to boil.
3) Once boiled, add in prawn and squid, cooked for 1 min
4) Add in lala and vegetable
5) Once the Lala has started to open up, add in the noodles.
6) Season it with oyster sauce, black soya sauce & fish sauce to taste.
7) Cooked abt 5 - 8 mins and dish it out and serve.

Note: I am not using the Singapore Yellow noodles for this dishes as I really dun like the "gi" taste at all. So happen that I got a packet of Fuzhou noodles from Yong Peng during a one day makan trip tour. I used it to cook the Hokkien mee instead. This noodles is really good, it doesnt turn soggy easily and very chewy. Best of all that it doesnt have the "gi" taste at all.

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CNY planning

I have the intention to make some CNY goodies for the coming new year to welcome the Tiger Year. I have a few receipe books to look into and I need a quick experimental period to try out the goodies before I roll up my sleeves and start making in large batch.

Will short list the goodies I wanna make for the coming years soon.......

I have shortlisted this CNY goodies as my 2010 CNY project.

1. Kueh Bangkit
2. Coated Syrup Walnuts with Sesame
3. Golden Rose Biscuit / Honey Bee Hive
4. Baked Spicy Soy Bean
5. Love Letter
6. Coconut Candy
7. New Year Cake
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Minced pork - $2
1 egg
Wanton Skin

Waterchest nut
Black Fungus.

Soya Sauce
Sesame oil

1) Marinate minced pork with the sesaoning & egg for 1hr or more
2) Wrap the meat in the wanton skin.
3) Cook the wanton in boiling water till the wanton floated. Dish out and serve..

I got my wanton skin from Yong Peng, a Fuzhou noodle making factory. The wanton skin is very thin yet very strong and wun break easily. It doesnt have the "Gee" smell or taste at all.
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Marmite Chicken

Marmite Chicken

250ml oil
2 Chix thighs, abt 500g cut into cube

1 tsp light soya sauce
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 tbsp corn flour

2 tbsp Marnite yeast extract
1 tbsp maltose, 1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp light soya sauce
dash of pepper and chix stock granules
100 ml of water

1) Mix chicken with marinade and marinate for 1 hour. Deep-fry in hot oil for 2 minutes or unitl cooked. Dish and drain.
2) Leave 1 tbsp oil in wok, pour in sauce and cook at medium heat unitl thick. Put in fried chix and mix well. Dish up and serve.
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KUEH KERIA (Sweet Potatoes Donut)

4 (agak agak) sweet potatoes
130 g glutinous rice flour, more if necessary
pinch of salt

Coating1 rice bowl sugar
50mm water
3 pandan leaves

skin and boil sweet potatoes till soft. Then mash and mix with sifted flour. Add the flour in small batches. Adjust if necessary until you get a soft but pliable dough. Add salt and shape into rings the size of doughnuts. Set one side.
Boil sugar in water and add pandan leaves.
In a kuali, heat up oil for deep frying. Deep fry the kueh until nice and brown. When all the kueh has been fried, remove the oil, but don't clean the kuali. Add in the sugar syrup and stir until it it thick.
Switch off the heat and put in all the kueh and coat all them of them with the syrup. Shake the kuali around until the sugar coating looks powdery.
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Pizza Dough

Pizza Dough


150gm plain flour

1 tsp sugar

1 tsp instant yeast

1/2tsp salt

110ml water

1 tbsp olive oil


1. Mix dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Add in oil and water, knead into a pliable dough. Continue to knead until very smooth. Cover with damp kitchen towel and leave to rise until it doubles in volume for about 60mins.

2. Punch down dough and shape it into a ball and rest for 10 mins.

3. Roll dough into a round shape - the size of your pizza pan; or divide dough into 2 portions for super thin crusts and shape to round. Use fork to prick holes onto the dough. Rest dough for 20 mins.

4. Half-bake the pizza dough at preheated oven 200 deg cel for 10 mins., remove from oven.

5. Spread tomato paste onto the pizza dough. Spread some cheese over follow by toppings. Lastly top with balance cheese.

6. Bake at 200C for about 12 mins. or till cheese turns golden brown. Serve hot.

After punching the dough.

The amt yield 372g of dough.

Shaping the dough into big round flat base.

Laying on the pizza pan.

Close up of the base. I add flaxseed into the flour to make it healthier.

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Cake fondant ultra-chocolaté

Cake fondant ultra-chocolaté

makes two loafs

for the cake
200g plain flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
50g cocoa powder
275g caster sugar
175g butter
2 eggs
1 tblsp natural vanilla extract
175g chocolate, melted
80g double cream
125g boiling water

for the syrup
1 tsp cocoa powder
125g water
100g caster sugar

for the topping
25g milk chocolate

1) Preheat the oven to 170°C. Grease and line two loaf tins (21 x 11cm and 7.5cm deep) with baking paper, making sure you cut it well above the rim so you’ll have handles to later get the cake out from its tin.
2) Put the flour, baking soda, cocoa, sugar, butter, eggs, vanilla extract, melted chocolate and double cream into a bowl, and mix with a wooden spoon until smooth. Slowly incoporate the boiling water and divide the batter between the twi loaf tins.
3) Bake for an hour, or until firm to the touch.
As soon as the cake is baked, remove from its tin using the baking paper, and place on a cooling rack, leaving the baking paper in place.
4) Put the syrup ingredients of cocoa, water and sugar into a small saucepan, and boil for approximately five minutes, until thickened.
5) When the syrup is ready, pierce the cake a few times using a skewer or a long match, and pour the syrup as evenly as possible over the cake. Let the cake become completely cold, remove the paper, and place it on your serving plate.
6) Get your chocolate, and slice thin slivers off the block with a heavy knife, until you’ve got enough to cover the top of the cake.
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Pizza Ingredient
Cheddar Cheese
Mozerella Cheese
Pasta Sauce

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Onion Herb Bread

Onion & Herb Bread

2 tsp dired yeast
350ml water
500g strong white flour
2 tsp salt
60g unsalted butter
1 big onion - diced

1) Melt 60g butter in a pan over a medium heat, Add 1 onion, chopped. Cook for 10 min until soft and golden.
2) Sprinkle the yeast into 100ml of water. Leave for 5 min, stir to dissolve.
3) Mix the flour and salt together in a large bowl. Make a well in the centre and pour in the yeated water. Add the cooked onion to the well, Mix in the flour. Stir in the remaining water, as nedded, to form a moist, crumbly dough.
4) Turn the dough out on to a lightly floured work surface. Kead the dough until smooth but still sticky, abt 10 min.
5) Put the dough in a clean bowl and cover with a tea towl. Leave to rise until doubled in size, abt 1 - 1.5hrs. Knock back, then leave to rest for 10 min.
6) Shape the dough into a round loaf, Place on a floured baking sheet and cover with a tea towl. Prove until doubled in size, abt 45 min.
7) Bake in the preheated oven of 200 degree for 45 mins until golden and hollow sounding when tapped underneath. Cool on a wire rack.

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Japanese Dark Pearl Cake (Momijj version)

I did some modification to the receipe. I used 3 large eggs instead.

75g chocolate bar- chopped
45ml water
50g corn oil
15g cocoa powder
50g cake flour
1/4 tdp bicarbonate of soda
3 egg yolks (abt 55g - 60g)

Egg white batter:
3 egg white (abt 150g)
50g castor sugar
pinch of salt
1/8 cream of tartar

1) Melt chocolate and stir till smooth. Add in cornoil slowly, stirring all the time till smooth. Fold in the rest of the ingredients and stir till smooth. (using double-boiled method)
2) Whisk egg white with cream of tartar till frothy, then pour in sugar gradually and then add in the salt. whisk till a soft peak is formed.
3) Fold egg white into the egg yolk mixture and then pour into a 18cm round cake pan.
4) Bake at 175C for about 45 mins. or till cooked.
5) Invert cake onto a cooling rack until completely cooled. Remove cake from pan and serve.

Note: The cake is a great success. I like the texture so do my PIL, BIL and SIL.
I will continue to do more of it.
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Japanese Dark Pearl Cake

Japanese Dark Pearl Cake (extracted from Aunty Yochana blog)

150g chocolate bar- chopped
90ml water
100g corn oil
25g cocoa powder
65g cake flour
1/2 tdp bicarbonate of soda
115g egg yolks

Egg white batter:
225g egg white
100g castor sugar
pinch of salt
1/8 cream of tartar

1) Melt chocolate and stir till smooth. Add in cornoil slowly, stirring all the time till smooth. Fold in the rest of the ingredients and stir till smooth. (using double-boiled method)
2) Whisk egg white with cream of tartar till frothy, then pour in sugar gradually and then add in the salt. whisk till a soft peak is formed.
3) Fold egg white into the egg yolk mixture and then pour into a 23cm to 25cm round chiffon cake pan.
4) Bake at 175C for about 45 mins. or till cooked.
5) Invert cake onto a cooling rack until completely cooled. Remove cake from pan and serve.

Note: I have tried baking this cake. It is a very nice cake, yummy, spongy and moist. However, my cake raised very well but collapse very badly after it cool down.
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Sponge Cake

Sponge Cake Ⅱ
(from DJ Fengying)

Ingredients A:
85g sugar
100g Cake flour
5g double action baking powder
200g eggs
35g milk
¼ tsp. Vanilla oil
10g SP (sponge cake stabiliser)

Ingredients B:
40g melted butter

1. Place Ingredient A in a mixing bowl
2. Mixed all ingredients evenly at low speed
3. Beat at high speed for 5 mins, switch to low speed, beat for another 1 min
4. Add melted butter and mixed to well combined
5. Pour batter into 20 cm pre-lined baking tray
6. Bake at 180°C pre-heated oven for 35 mins
7. Remove, over turn to cool
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Macaron 3

I thot I will never want to make macaron cos the macaron that I tried out at Bakerinz wasnt as nice as I thot. Why I decided to try? Cos I have alot of egg white left and the 1st attempt athot wasnt successful but the chocolate macaron was great therefore I am very determine to look for a good macaron receipe now.

next i wanna try this receipe.
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White Chocolate Raspberry Ganache

For the White Chocolate Raspberry Ganache

1 1/2 cup white chocolate
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup good quality raspberry jam

1) Heat the cream until hot. Drop the chocolate and jam into the cream and stir until all are melted and come together.
2) Let cool until firm enough to pipe or spoon onto the macaron shells.
For the white Chocolate Ganache Proceed as for the one above, minus the raspberry jam.
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Bittersweet Toffee Ganache

Bittersweet Toffee Ganache

3/4 cup heavy cream
1 cup bittersweet chocolate
1/4 cup crushed toffee

1) In a heavy saucepan set over medium heat, bring the heavy cream to a boil. Remove from the stove and add the chocolate to it.
2) Let stand 2 minutes and then stir until fully combined. Let cool until firm enough to put in a small piping bag.
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ButterCream Frosting

Buttercream Frosting
(thanks Li Ming for sharing this)

250g unsalted butter, cubed and softened
400g icing sugar, sifted
1 to 2 tsp vanilla essence ( I used lemon flavour)Edible paste color

1. Beat butter and icing sugar till light and fluffy.
2. Add flavouring.
3. Color with toothpick dipped in edible past color
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Vanilla Cupcake

Vanilla Cupcake
(thanks Li Ming for giving me her receipe)

200g unsalted butter, cubed and softened
200g caster sugar
4 eggs, lightly beaten
2tsp vanilla essence
250g self rasing flour, sifted
8tbsp light sour cream or milk

1. preheat oven to 180C2. Cream butter and sugar in mixer till light and fluffy.
2. Add eggs in, then vanilla essence. Beat well. Stir in flour till just combined.
3. Stir in sour cream, do not overmix.
4. Fill paper cases till 3/4 full, Bake till inserted toothpick comes out clean.
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Dry Mee Siam

Dry Mee Siam from Strait Time (Serves 6 to 8 ppl)

6 eggs
350g fresh parwn, shelled and deveined
10 tbs Cooking oil
400g of Firm soya beancurd, cubed
15 dried red chillies, seeded, soaked in water till soft then drained
5 fresh red chillies
6 cloves garlic
15 shallots
100g dried shrimps, rinsed, soaked in water till soft, drained and coarsely punded
6 tbs fermented soya beans (taucheo)
400g dried rice vermicelli, soaked in water till soft, then drained
350g bean sprouts
100g chinese chives, cut into 2cm-long strips
salt to taste
6 limes, halved

1) Boil the eggs, then leave to cool before removing the shell and cutting into thin slices, Set aside.
2) Steam the prawns for 5 mins until cooked, Set aside.
3) To a hot pan, add 2 tbs of oil and stir-fry the soya beancurd cubes till golden brown. Set aside.
4) Blend the dried chillies, fresh chillies, garlic and shallots in an electric blended on medium speed until a coarse paste forms.
5) to a hot wok, add 8 tbs of oil and fry the chillis paste for some 5 mins until fragrant.
6) add the dried shrimps and fermented soya beans and stir-fry until well incorporated.
7) Add the rice vermicelli, mix well and stir-fry for abt 10min until the vermicelli is cooked.
If necessary, add 1/2 cup of water to the noodles to prevent them from drying out.
8) Add bean sprouts and Chinese chives, mix well and stir-fry for another 3 mins.
9) Add salt to taste
10) Transfer the noodles to a serving plate. Top with steamed prawns, fried beancurd cubes, and egg. Before eating, squeeze the limes over the noodles and toss well.
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Mashmallow Fondant

Rolled Marshmallow Fondant from Wilton Website.

1 package (16 ounces) white mini marshmallows (use a good quality brand)
2-5 tablespoons water
2 pounds (about 8 cups) sifted confectioners' sugar
1/2 cup solid vegetable shortening
Makes: About 2 pounds marshmallow fondant.

1) To make marshmallow fondant, place marshmallows and 2 tablespoons of water in a microwave. Microwave 30 seconds; stir. Continue microwaving 30 seconds more; stir again. Continue until melted (about 2 1/2 minutes).

2) Place 3/4 of the confectioners' sugar on top of the melted marshmallow mix. Place solid vegetable shortening in easily accessed bowl so you can reach into it with fingers as you are working. Grease hands and counter GENEROUSLY; turn marshmallow mixture onto counter. Start kneading like you would bread dough. NOTE: Please be careful, this first stage can get hot. Continue kneading, adding additional confectioners' sugar and re-greasing hands and counter when the marshmallow fondant sticks. If the marshmallow fondant is tearing easily, it is too dry; add water (about 1/2 tablespoon at a time then knead it in). Continue kneading until marshamllow fondant forms a firm, smooth elastic ball that will stretch without tearing, about 8 minutes.
3) It's best to allow Marshmallow Fondant to sit, double wrapped, overnight. Prepare the fondant for storing by coating with solid vegetable shortening, wrap in a plastic wrap and then place in resealable bag. Squeeze out as much air as possible.
Marshmallow Fondant will hold well in refrigerator for several weeks.
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Macarons 2

This receipe was given by Yen.

Macaron 2

3 (100g) egg whites
50g granulated sugar
200g confectioners' sugar
110g blanched almonds, whole or ground

1. In a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, whip the egg whites to a foam, gradually add the sugar until you obtain a glossy meringue.
2. Combine the almonds and powdered sugar in a food processor and give them a quick pulse if you use already ground almonds (that you have ground ground yourself separately.) It will break the powdered sugar lumps and combine your almonds with it evenly. If you use whole almonds, pulse thoroughly for a minute or so.
3. Add them to the meringue and start to give quick strokes at first to break the mass and slow down. The whole process should not take more than 50 strokes. Test a small amount on a plate: If the tops flatten on its own, you are good to go. If there is a small beak, give the batter a couple more folds.
4. Fill a pastry bag fitted with a plain tip with the batter and pipe a small rounds (1.5 inches in diameter) onto parchment paper baking sheets.
5. Preheat the oven to 150C. Let the macarons sit out for an hour to harden their shells a bit and bake for 10-13 minutes, depending on their size. Let them cool completely before filling.
6. Pipe or spoon some of your filling on one shell and sandwich with another one.After the first few folding strokes necessary to start incorporating the ingredients, divide your batter into 3 equal amounts. Keep one third plain, add 2 tsps sifted matcha powder to another one, and 1 Tablespoon red powdered food coloring to the last one.Proceed with the rest of the recipe, following the folding guidelines explained above.Sprinkle crushed toffee on the plain shells right after they were piped.

For the fillings, use a white chocolate ganache for the matcha macarons, a toffee bittersweet chocolate ganache for the plain ones and a white chocolate raspberry ganache for the red ones.
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Chocolate Macarons

Extract from Anuty Yochana blog

Chocolate Macarons


140g finely ground almond
250g icing sugar
25g cocoa powder
100g egg white - at room temperature

1) Blend ground almond, icing sugar, cocoa powder in a food processor till fine.
2) Whisk egg white till they are white and foamy, Turn to high speed and whip till it is firm and forming a peak.
3) Add in the blended dry ingredient and mix well.
4) Spoon mixture into a piping bag fitted with a plain nozzle. Pipe into small round abt 1: diameter onto parchment paper, leaving abt an inch inbetween each round. Rest macarons for abt 20 mins.
5) Bake at 180 degree for 10 to 12 mins.
6) Remove macaroons from the parchment - they should be removed as soon as they come from the oven. You will need to create moisture under the cookies. Carefully loosen the parchment paper , lifting the paper, pour a little hot water under the paper. The water may bubble and steam.Allow the macaroons to remain on the parchment for about 20 seconds, then peel the macaroons off the paper and place them on a cooling rack.
7) Sandwich them with either ganache, butter cream or ice-cream.
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Something to try - Sweet Bun from Alex Goh

Instead of placing receipe of what I have tried. I decided to place the receipe I WANNA try.

After a google search. I have found the Alex Goh Basic Sweet bun receipe. That mean there are more complicated sweet bun receipe ard. Let start simple to build up my bread making foundation.

Alex Goh Basic Sweet Bun


480g bread flour
120 all-purpose flour (plain flour)
110g sugar
20g milk powder
4 tsp instant yeast
1 egg
300ml cold water
60g butter
10g salt

1) Mix flour, milk powder, yeast and sugar in a big bowl
2) add the egg and cold water and mix to form a dough. Add in the butter and salt and knead till a smooth dough forms. This takes a while.
3) At first the dough will be greasy and seem as if there is too much butter in it. But as you knead and knead and knead, it will eventually get to the point you want it to be.
4) Cover with clingwrap and let rise for about 1 hour or till doubled in size.
5) Preheat oven to 380 f/ 190 Celsius
6) Divide dough into portions of 50 or 60 gm each. Shape into balls and leave it to rest for abt 10 minutes Roll out dough and wrap with desired fillings. Shape as required and let it proof on lined or greased baking tray for another 50-60 mins or until dough is double in size.
7) Brush dough with egg wash, or milk, if you want it to be less brown, and bake till golden brown and cooked.
8) Immediately brush with melted butter after taking it out of the oven and cover with a tea cloth to give it a soft crust.
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Hokkaido Milk Loaf

Hokkaido Milk Loaf
This receipe is taken from Angie's Receipe blog
540 g Bread flour
60 g Cake flour
10 g Dry active yeast
30 g Milk powder
80 g Sugar
9 g Salt
1 pc Egg
250 g Fresh milk
150 g Whipping cream (heavy cream)
1) Mix all the ingredients in the bowl of an electric stand-mixer. Remember separate the yeast from salt and sugar to avoid the dehydration. (for those with electric stand-mixer)
1b) Mix Bread, cake flour, yeast, sugar, milk powder and salt together. Add in egg, whipping cream, fresh milk and mix it into dough.
2) Knead until gluten is fully developed and the dough is elastic, smooth, non-sticky and leave from sides of mixing bowl. Cover with a damp towel and allow the dough to ferment until double in size, about 60 minutes.
3) Take out the dough and press out the gas produced during the proof. Divide it into 4 portions. Round up and let rest for about 20 minutes.
4) Roll each dough out and roll up and place in a 13x33x12cm loaf pan. After shaping, let the dough rise up to 2/3 full. Brush with egg wash or milk. Bake in a preheated 170C/340F oven for about 40 minutes.

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Chocolate Walnut Cake

Chocolate Walnut Cake - by Aunty Yochana


380g butter
50g sugar
1/4 salt

2nd part
200g egg yolks
2tbsp dairy whipped cream - optional
230g cake flour
150g Walnut - chopped
100g chocolate chip/rice
5gm baking powder (double action)

300g egg white
250g sugar

1 tsp coffee emulco/paste - optional

1) Cream butter, salt and 50g sugar till white and creamy at high speed.
2) Drop in egg yolk into the creaming butter one at a time till finished. Aff in coffee paste.
3) Sift cake flour and baking powder, pour into the above mixture and let it mix till evenly.
4) Whisk egg white with sugar till soft peak. Fold into butter mixture.
5) Fold in chopped walnuts and chocolate chips
6) Pour into two 8" round baking tins
7) Bake at 175C for 45 min or till cooked.
8) Cool on a cooling rack before slicing.

Afternote: If using two tins, 800g of mixture per tin.
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Prune Butter Cake

Prune Butter Cake by Aunty Yochana

250g butter
65g sugar
1/4 tsp salt
125g egg yolks (abt 5 eggs)
1 tsp vanilla essence

Whisk together
200g egg white
80g sugar

175g softasilk flour or Superfine flour/Cake flour
1/2 tsp baking powder (double action)
200g chopped prune
1 to 2 tbsp Armagnac or Run or prune juice (optional)

1) Soak prune in run or armagnac or some prune juice for 20mins. Toss with 1 to 2 tbsp flour
2) Cream butter and 60g sugar till creamy.
3) Add in prune, vanilla essense then egg yolks slowly into the creaming butter.
4) Add in sifted flour and chopped prunes.
5) Whisk eff white with 80g sugar till fluffy, fold into the butter batter and mix till well mixed.
6) Pour into a 8 - 9" cake tin and bake at 175C for about 40-45 min.

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Lapis Speckok

Lapis Speckok by Aunty Yochana


567g butter
20 egg yolks
5 egg whites
260g sugar (divide into 2 parts)
142g plain flour
3 tbsp Brandy / Rum or Orange juice
4 tbsp Condensed Milk
1 tsp Vanilla Essence
2 tsp Lapis mixed Spice (Bake King)

1) Cream butter and condensed milk till creamy
2) Add in mixed spice, vanilla essence and brandy/run or Orange juice
3) Fold in flour
4) Whisk egg yolks with 1 part of sugar till lemony in color
5) Whisk egg white with 1 part of sugar till stiff peak
6) Fold all the 3 above together till well combined
7) Bake the batter layer by layer in a 8" square tin, lined with parchment paper.

Procedure of baking:
1) Heat up the pan for 5 min in oven at 175C.
2) spoon about 120g on the 1st layer and bake till almost golden, then turn over to grill mode and bake till cooked.
3) Next layer: Spoon in 110g of batter and grill for about 8 mins till golden and cooked. Continue process till finished.
4) Last layer: half cooked, switch to overn temperature of 175c and bake for another 15 to 20mins.
5) Leave the cake to cool in the tin for 5 min before removing from the tin.
6) Remove onto cooling rack to cool before slicing.

As I am using Tefal Oven so the 175C grill is too strong for the bake. The batter has no time to cook but was grill brown very fast. So i used a foil to cover the top of the tin and left it in the over to cook for 5min. Still at the grill 175C mode. After 5min, I removed the foil and let it brown the top before another layer.
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Today, I make more love letter again. This time round I added Flaxseed meal, white and black sesame to make it a "richer" love letter to consume. Instead of just eating sugar and coconut milk, I added Sesame seed and Flaxseed to make it not so unhealthy.
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Love Letter - by Star Online

I have decided to try out another recipe of love letter for a comprision.

125g rice flour
35g plain flour
155g granulated sugar
1 1/2 cups coconut milk (from 1 coconut)
2 eggs
2 egg yolks

Sift rice and plain flour into a mixing bowl. Add in sugar and slowly add the coconut milk. Stir until smooth then add the eggs and egg yolks. Whisk until well blended. Strain the batter.
2) Lightly grease love letter moulds with a piece of muslin cloth dipped in oil. Heat mould over charcoal fire.
3) When heated, place the moulds open over a bowl of batter and pour a ladelful of batter onto the mould. Close the mould tightly and bake over charcoal fire for about half a minute on each side.
4) When golden in colour, remove and immediately fold into a quarter. Press lightly with a tin cover to level the surface.
5) Cool and store in an air-tight container or tin.(You need love letter moulds to make this beautiful kuih that is served during chinese new year.)

I find this recipe of love letter is better than the one from ohTaste. The love letter is more "brittle" whereas the other one is more crunchy. One bite and everything seem to break lose. hahahaha. The coconut taste is stronger as no water is added. I added some pandan paste to distingish between the 1st version and the 2nd version.

To conclude I prefer this version of love letter.
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Kueh Bangkits - By OhTaste Magazine

Kueh Bangkits - by OhTaste Magazine

(extracted from ohTaste Jan 09 Magazine)

500g tapioca starch/flour
140g sugar
2 egg yolks,
1 egg white
85ml thick coconut milk
pandan leave

1) Gently fry tapioca flour with pandan leave over low heat till fragrant and leave to cool.
2) Preheat oven to 160 Degree C
3) Sift tapioca flour and set aside 1 small bowl for later use.
4) Mix sugar and eff till foamy. Add coconut milk and set aside 1/4 cup for later use. Add remaining coconut mixture with sifted tapioca flour and knead well into dough.
5) Dust a baking tray and tabletop with tapioca flour that has set aside eariler on. Roll out dough to 30mm thick, cut into shapes using biscuit cutters and place on baking tray to bake at 160 degree C for 15 - 20 mins
6) For the remaining dough, add 1/4 cup of coconut milk mixture and knead well before using.

Tips for Magazine
The tapioca flour must be fried and cooled thoroughly before mixing with the rest of the ingredients. It will be ideal to cool it for 2 to 3 days before making the kueh bangkits.

I dun quite understand why there is a need to keep 1/4 of coconut milk mixture. I probably ignore that unless u really have alot of flour left.
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Love Letters

Love Letters

(extracted from OhTaste Jan 09 Magazine)

3 eggs
150g sugar
250ml thick coconut milk
150g rice flour
60g plain flour
30g tapioca flour
120ml water

1) mix well eggs with sugar, adfd coconut milk and mix further.
2) Sift all type of flour together and combine well with egg mixtures. Mix well with water into batter
3)Brush the mould with oil, heat up then pour in 1 tbsp of batter, Cover the mould and cook till the batter turns golden brown. Remove.
4) whie ti is still hot, fold up or use a small wooden pin to roll the pancake up. Repeat step 3 & 4 till all batter is used up.

Tips for the magazine:
the knack of making love letter is the amount of batter added to the mould, Any lesser will result in an incomplete shape while too much will affect the crispy texture. Rbr to keep the Love letter in a container after you have made abt 10 pcs. This is to prevent them from turning soft.

I have used the recipe to make the love letter and by using the Takada love letter maker machine. It is a very convinence home appliance, and it is none stick too so I dun have to grease the pan at all. The love letter maker will take sometime to make the few rounds of love letter but as times goes I find it quite fast too.

As for the batter, I find it too thick. So I add abt another 100ml of water and 3 more tspoons of sugar. To me, I find that it is not fragrant enough, may be I shld add in more coconut milk instead of water but coconut milk can be quite fattening. I shall let my MIL and mum tried before I conclude again.
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Fried Chicken Wing - Momjj's version.

Fried Chix Wing

Chix Wings (dislocate the mini drum and wings) - 20 pcs
Bake King crispy floor for meat - 1 pkt
1 egg

Oyster sauce - 1 tablespoon
Soya Sauce - 1 1/2 tablespoon
Hua Tiao Wine - 1 tablespoon
Ginger juice - 3 tablespoon
Sugar - 1 tablespoon
Sesame oil - 1/2 tablespoon

1) Clean the chix wings and drip dry.
2) Add all the seasoning and marinate the chix Wings overnite

Before frying:
1) Take out the chix wings 15 min before frying. (cos the chix wings are too cold after fridge overnite, it will make the temperature of the oil drop)
2) Add an egg and mix well.
3) Drip dry the chix wings. (Drip off all the excess marinate so it is easier to coat with frying flour for frying)
4) Place the frying flour in another plate and coat individual chix with the flour. Pat off excess flour
5) Dip into the oil for frying. Take out when it turns golden.

Note: I realised the little drum is a bit meaty so I usually face it down when I dip it into the hot oil so the meaty portion get to cook fast and stime u will see blood coming out. So rbr to cook the meaty portion thoroughly.
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Roasted Pork Belly

Roasted pork

Pork belly - 1kg
Organic Salt/ Organic SeaSalt - 1 1/2 tablespoons
White PepperCorn - 1 tablespoon
Five spice powder - 2 teaspons

1) Pound the peppercorn, just crushed it, mixed with salt and five spice powder

1) Wash the pork belly and pat dry it, if u have time u can hang it to wind-dry it.
2) Use a fork and poke the meat, reason to allow the seasoning to go in.
3) Rub the season thoroughly on the meat and let it marinate overnite.
Next day
4) On the oven to 240 degree C to cook the meat for 30 min in the mid shelf. (some oven will be hotter so must keep monitoring, u can lower the temperature if u find it is going to burn the pork)
5) Switch to 200 Degree C and cook for 1hr - 1.5hr (time vary cos some pork belly is very thick)
6) Finally turn the pork belly and let the skin face up to obtain the crispy effect. Take out - once the skin turn crispy.

Note: I use a metal mesh to roast the pork belly and use another tray to collect the oil at the bottom so the pork belly is not sock in the fats. I am using the baking function that both the top and bottom coil of my oven is heated up and will switch to roast function where only the top coil is heated to create the crispy skin effect. Actually baking function can also obtain the same effect, just that the top coil will be faster.

For Salt and peppercorn, u can vary accordingly. Some like it less salt, some like it less spicy. I'm using Himalaya Mountain Salt now. It claimed to be Organic, I tasted it and find the saltiness is almost the same as the commercial one. Not sure abt the seasalt.

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Kueh Bulo

My MIL loves Kueh Bulo and she is complaining that she couldnt find nice Kueh Bulo now. I hope to try out this and hopefully I can give this to her as CNY goody.

The Recipe was extracted from Aunty Yochana's Blog and shis adapting from Anna Phua's book.

320 gm. Beaten eggs
  • 330 gm. sugar
  • 225 gm. Plain
  • 1/2 tsp. Vanilla essence
  • some chocolate rice

(1) Dry-fry flour over low heat till light. Leave to cool.
(2) Brush a copper mould with oil and heat in a preheated oven at 180C till hot.
(3) Beat eggs and sugar till thick and fluffy and then add in vanilla essence and mix till well mixed.
(4) Mix 35 gm of fried flour with 110 gm. of egg mixture. Sprinkle some chocolate rice over the batter and lightly spoon mixture into kueh bolu mould. Repeat till mixture finishes.
(5) Unmould kueh bolu and let it cool. Store in an airtight container.

Note: I tried making it and the 1st two batch turn out beautifully but the rest of the batch turned out really ugly. May be the copper mould was not hot enough and i didnt brush it well with oil. There are room for improvement as the taste was great but the texture of the mini-cake was a bit rough.
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Natural Blue Coloring

If u come across Nonya Kueh rice dumpling that was in blue, dun panic. They are dye using this lovely morning glory look alike flower call Bunga Telang (clitoria in English)

I read about it but have no idea what kind of flower was that. One day, while waiting for my cab to my work site, I saw a man picking this small flower along the road. This suddenly strike me and I believe this is the flower that make the food blue.

From Wikipedi

Clitoria is a genus of flowering plants that are insect pollinated. These plants are native to tropical and temperate areas of the Old and New World including southeast Asia, where the flowers are often used as a food dye.
In animal tests the
methanolic extract of Clitoria ternatea (Butterfly pea) roots demonstrated nootropic, anxiolytic, antidepressant, anticonvulsant and antistress activity. The active constituent(s) include Tannins, resins, Starch, Taraxerol & Taraxerone. Clitoria ternatea root extracts are capable of curing whooping cough if taken orally. The extract from the white-flowered plant can cure goiter. Its roots are used in the ayurveda system of Indian medicine.

Today, while walked past again, I decided to take a few of the seed pod to grow in my pot.
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