
My new recipe book has a recipe on onion pancake. It is easy to make and nice to eat and cost peanut.

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Noon kuih powder 80g
Water 600ml

1) Add 100ml of water to mix with the hoon kuih powder.
2) boil the remaining 500ml water to boiling point.
3) mixed the hoon kuih solution into the pot.
4) turn the fire to small n continue to stir till it turn clear.
5) off the fire and pour into a shallow tray lining with clear wrap.
6) let it cool and store in the fridge to use later. 

After note: local market selling the hoon kuih powder at 90g. I wanted to use all of it so I adjusted the water to 675ml. 

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Madeleines 1-2-3

Madeleines recipes by 101
1 1/2 sticks unsalted butter (6 ounces / 170g)
2 tablespoons softened unsalted butter (for greasing pan)
3/4 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
4 large eggs
a pinch fine-grain sea salt
2/3 cups sugar
zest of one large lemon
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
powdered sugar
a bit of extra flour for dusting baking pan

Special equipment: A madeleine baking pan, regular or small

Method 1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (176 deg c).
2) Melt the 1 1/2 sticks of butter in a small pot over medium heat until it's brown and gives off a deliciously nutty aroma, roughly 20 minutes. Strain (using a paper towel over a mesh strainer) - you want to leave the solids behind. Cool the butter to room temperature. By doing the butter first you can complete the rest of the steps while it is cooling.
3) While the melted butter is cooling, use the remaining 2 tablespoons of butter to grease the madeleine molds - get in there and make sure you get in all the ridges. Dust with flour and invert the pan tapping out any excess flour. Lanha uses "cooking spray" with flour to simplify this part.
4) Put the eggs with the salt in the bowl of an electric mixer with a whisk attachment. Whip on high speed until thick - you are looking for the eggs to roughly double or triple in volume - approximately 3 minutes. Continuing to mix on high speed, slowly add the sugar in a steady stream. Whip for 2 minutes or until mixture is thick and ribbony. Now with a spatula fold in the lemon zest and vanilla (just until mixed).
5) Sprinkle the flour on top of the egg batter, and gently fold in. Now fold in the butter mixture. Only stirring enough to bring everything together.
6) Spoon the batter into the molds, filling each mold 2/3 -3/4 full. I use a small cup filled with batter to keep things clean and manageable, it is easier than using a spoon.
7)Bake the madeleines for 12 - 14 minutes (7-10 minutes for smaller cookies), or until the edges of the madeleines are golden brown. Remove from oven and unmold immediately. Cool on racks and dust with powdered sugar. Makes 2 -3 dozen regular madeleines

Madeleines recipes from All Recipes

2 eggs
3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup white sugar
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon lemon zest
1/4 cup butter
1/3 cup granulated sugar for decoration

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Butter and flour 12 (3 inch)
madeleine molds; set aside.
2. Melt butter and let cool to room temperature.
3. In a small mixing bowl, beat eggs, vanilla and salt at high speed until light.
4. Beating constantly, gradually add sugar; and continue beating at high speed until mixture is thick and pale and ribbons form in bowl when beaters are lifted, 5 to 10 minutes.
5. Sift flour into egg mixture 1/3 at a time, gently folding after each addition.
6. Add lemon zest and pour melted butter around edge of batter. Quickly but gently fold butter into batter. Spoon batter into molds; it will mound slightly above tops.
7. Bake 14 to 17 minutes, or until cakes are golden and the tops spring back when gently pressed with your fingertip.
8. Use the tip of the knife to loosen madeleines from pan; invert onto rack. Immediately sprinkle warm cookies with granulated sugar. Madeleines are best eaten the day they're baked. Leftover madeleines are wonderful when dunked into coffee or tea.
9. Variation: Chocolate Madeleines: Omit lemon zest. Increase sugar to 1/2 cup.

Substitute 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder for 2 tablespoons of the flour; sift into batter with flour.
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Inside out Smores Brownies

I wanted to make this brownies for Xmas. Oh Yah!!!
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Chocolate Cake with Orange Buttercream and Chocolate Ganache

Chocolate Cake with Orange Buttercream and Chocolate Ganache
by The Italian Dishes -

Servings: Makes 16 servings

For the cake:
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 1/3 cups all-purpose flour
2/3 cup unsweetened cocoa
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 large eggs
3/4 cup milk
6 tablespoons canola oil
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
3/4 cup very hot water

For the buttercream:
4 large egg yolks
3/4 cup sugar
2 sticks unsalted butter , softened (226g)
2 tablespoons orange juice

For the ganache:
12 ounces bittersweet chocolate , chopped (340g)
4 tablespoons unsalted butter , softened and diced (56g)
1 cup heavy or whipping cream
1 tablespoon sugar

For the cake:
1. Preheat oven to 375°F. Line a 15 1/2" x 10 1/2" jelly-roll pan with parchment paper; spray paper with nonstick cooking spray.
2. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, combine sugar, flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, and salt at medium speed until blended. In another bowl, whisk eggs, milk, oil, and vanilla.
3. Gradually beat egg mixture into flour mixture, about 5 minutes. Shift mixer to low speed; add hot water until blended.
4. Pour batter into pan. Bake until toothpick comes out of the center clean, 20 to 25 minutes. Cool cake completely.

For the orange buttercream:
1. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, beat egg yolks at medium speed until they become lemon colored and ribbonlike when beaters are lifted, about 5 minutes. Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, combine sugar and 1/4 cup water.
2. Cook over medium-low heat, swirling pan occasionally, until sugar completely dissolves and syrup just comes to a boil.
3. Increase heat to high; boil syrup until it registers 238°F on a candy thermometer. With the mixer on medium speed, immediately add syrup to beaten egg yolks in a thin, steady stream.
4. Beat mixture until it cools to room temperature and is light and fluffy, about 10 minutes. Gradually add butter, 1 tablespoon at a time, until completely incorporated. Add orange juice and stir.

For the ganache:
1. In a large bowl, combine chocolate and butter. In a small saucepan, heat cream and sugar over medium-high flame, stirring occasionally, until small bubbles appear around edge of pan.
2. Pour hot cream over chocolate; stir until chocolate and butter melt and mixture is completely smooth. Cool, stirring occasionally, until thickened but not pasty, about 15 minutes.

1. Invert cake onto a large wire rack; peel off parchment paper. Invert cake again onto a large cutting board. With a serrated knife, cut cake into equal thirds.
2. Set a large wire rack over a sheet of waxed paper. Arrange one cake layer on rack; spread half of buttercream evenly over top.
3. Add another cake layer; spread top with remaining buttercream. Place remaining cake layer on top.
4. Pour ganache over top of cake, spreading with a spatula so it coats the sides.
5. If ganache does not cover sides completely, pour any excess that has collected on the waxed paper back into bowl and spread again.
6. Refrigerate cake until ganache sets, about 1 hour. Use two large spatulas to transfer cake onto a serving platter.
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Bacon Cheddar Beer Bread

Here I found this easy beer bread receipe to try on, the recipe calling for butter and I wasnt a butter person so I will replaced it with Olive oil.

Bacon Cheddar Beer Bread by Thelowroasteditalian -
3 cups all purpose flour (363 grams)
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 1/4 cup shredded cheese (I used Monterey Jack, Colby and Cheddar mixture)
1 12 ounce bottle of beer (can is fine too)
4 slices of bacon, cooked and chopped (1/4 c real bacon bits)
2 tablespoons butter, melted

1. Preheat oven to 350°.

2. Prepare bread pan by greasing with butter. Set aside.
3. In a large bowl, combine flour, baking powder, salt and sugar with a whisk. Make a well in the center. Add bacon, about 4. 3/4 of cheese and full beer into the well.
5. Stir mixture with a spoon until combined.
6. Pour mixture into prepared bread pan. Add remaining cheese. Drizzle with 1 tablespoon of butter. Bake for 30 minutes.
7. Remove from oven and drizzle remaining butter over the top.
8. Bake for an additional 25-30 minutes or until browned on top and loaf thumps when you tap the top.
9. Remove to a wire rack and allow to cool for 5 minutes. Remove from pan and allow to cool on wire rack. You can brush with more butter if you choose.
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Sambal ulek indonesia

I decided not to wait as I scare that I will lose interest once I dint do it fast. So I pop by NTUC and get myself some chilli to make the sambal. I decided to tweet the Ulek a little and create something personnal.

This is my version of Sambal Ulek

15 Red chill
10 Chilli padi
1 tbsp Belachan
1 Candlenut
4 Shallot
8 Garlic
2 Tomatoes


I roasted the belachan to release it aroma then pan fry each of the ingredient to bring out the flavour.

Blend all together and viola.

I wanted to try two different version. Only blended and cooked it further.

I took out a small portion n further cook it with oil and the result is even better. The flavour is much intense compare to the other version that only to be blended. However, it is not very spicy, it is not choking hot as I imagine. I guess the tomatoes have mellow the heatness slightly. Will take note and add more chilli padi next round.

This chilli is great to go with rice n crackers.

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Indonesia Sambal Chilli

I was very captivated by Indonesia Chilli when I 1st tasted it at Batam at Harris Batam Hotel. I simply cannot forget the spicyness of it. It is not the usual Sambal Chilli we had in Singapore, it is just so different. I wanted to get the recipe of it so I could impress my mother and in law and wanted to blow them off the seat.

I googled for "Indonesia Sambal chilli" or they also call "ulek" or "oelek". All of the recipe are make through motar and pounder so it will be blender too fine leaving some chilli fiber when you dipped into it. There are a few recipes that I have shortlist to try on, but not sure if I should get the motar and pounder for it. May be I will dropby mum place to pound my chilli.

1. Fushion Gourment

2. The Partial Ingredient

3. Spice Island
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~ 牛油香酥饼~ by Katherine Kwa

C)40g奶粉、60g粟粉、320g普通面粉、1/2小匙苏打粉 ~ 一起过筛

花嘴 : 1 M 戓 22号
注: *~辫子酥饼~也可采用此食谱

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~菠萝面包~ By Katherine Kwa

(A) 中种面团:

(B) 主面团:

(C) 菠萝馅:
半汤匙柠檬汁 - 煮至浓稠,待冷。

(D) 菠萝饼皮:


将(a)在盘中混合均匀,中间挖一个洞,加入(b)揉成一软团。 将软团压成薄片,切出圆片,盖在发好的面团上。

(1) 先将(A)中种面团里的酵母粉和水拌匀,静置10分钟。再加入其余的材料,直至拌成团。
(2) 盖上保鲜纸,让它发酵2 1/2小时后,将(B)主面团里的糖、盐和蛋加入中种面团里搅拌均匀。再倒入酵母粉、高筋面粉、面粉、牛奶粉和冷水拌匀成团。
(3) 加入牛油,并搅拌至成光滑和富有弹性面团即可。将面团搓圆并包上保鲜纸,让面团发酵20-30分钟。
(4) 将面团分成每分60g,然后搓圆,静置10分钟。
(5) 将小面团压扁,包入菠萝馅料。将面团排放在已涂上油的烤盘。
(6) 作最后发酵45分钟,每份面团都用一层菠萝饼皮盖上,表面涂上蛋液,放入烤箱,以180度烤15分钟至金黄色即可。
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Easy Chocolate Truffles

Easy Chocolate Truffles


150g Dark Chocoalte chopped
50g butter
1/4 cup cream
cocoa powder for dusting

1. Combine butter and cream in a small pan; stir over a low heat until butter has melted. Bring to the boil and remove from heat.
2. Pour the hot cream mixture over the chocolate, using a wooden spoon, stir until chocolate has melted and the micture is smooth.
3. At this point, you may add 1 tablespoon liquer of your choice or orange juice.
4. Chill mixture in the refrigerator, stirring occasionally.
5. When mixture is firm enough to handle, roll heaped teaspoons into balls, place on foil-lined tray and refrigerat until firm.
6. Sift cocoa onto greaseproof paper, Roll each truffle in cocoa until generously coated and refrigerate until firm.

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Prince William Chocolate Cake

Prince William Chocolate Cake

226g Macvities biscuit or tea biscuit
60g butter
100g sugar
113g dark chocolate
1 egg beaten

1. Greas a 6 in cake tin with butter and line with parchment paper.
2. Break each of the biscuit into almond size pieces and set aside. (Do not crush the biscuit into smaller than almond-sized bits)
3. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler.
4. Cream butter and sugar until light lemon in colour.
5. Add the melted chocolate inot the butter/sugar mixture, stirring constantly.
6. Add egg, continue dtirring.
7. Fold in the biscuit pieces until they are all coated with the chocolate mixture.
8. Spoon the misture into prepared cake tin. Try to fill all the gaps on the bottom of the tin.
9. Refrigerate for min 3 hrs. Remove from fridge. Unmould cake from tin.
10. Melt 300g chocolate and pour over cake. Server with cream, fresh berries or eat it just like that!
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Simply Black Soup

Black is the colour that is important to me. Yes, only to me. There is a secret behind it but sorry I am not tell u. Hahaha... I mean food that is black. Here is a simply black soup that is simply delicious and only good for me, particularly me. But I think my kids are going to fight with me for the soup as well.

Simply Black Soup


3 Tbsp of blackbean
4 clove of garlic
Half black chicken

1. Pan fry the blackbean for 10 mins, dun burn it.
2. Wash the black chicken, u can chopped it into smaller piece or chop into quarter. I like to leave it in big pieces when cooking soup.
3. Place the chicken, blackbean and garlic into the slow cooker. Add water to cover the ingredient. Set it to cook for 2hrs.
4. Salt to taste.
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Kampar Chicken Biscuit Crisps (Kai Chai Paeng
Recipe adapted from Flavours by Debbie Teoh)

Ingredients A
30 g Fermented Red Bean Curd (nam yue)
1 Large Egg
50 ml
Milk 60 ml
Cooking Oil 1 tsp
Sesame Oil ½ tsp
Sea Salt 30 g
Confectioners’ Sugar 30 g
Maltose 100 g
Candied Melon (tung kwa), chopped 80 g

Sesame Seeds Ingredients B
300 g All-Purpose Flour, sifted
½ tsp Ground Cinnamon
2 tsp Five-Spice Powder
½ tsp Ground White Pepper
1 tsp Baking Powder
¼ tsp Ammonia Powder
1.       Place ingredients A into a large mixing bowl and stir to mix until salt dissolves. Add the candied melon and sesame seeds.
2.       Sift together the remaining ingredients B and add to the bowl; mix to form a dough. Rest the dough, covered with cling film, for 30 minutes.
3.       Preheat the oven to 170˚C and grease baking trays. Divide the dough into 15 g balls. Place the dough balls, well-spaced out, between two plastic sheets. Roll out thinly into 7 cm discs with a rolling pin and place onto the trays.

4.       Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until brown and crispy. Do not over bake, or it will taste bitter. Cool completely before storing in airtight containers.

Note: I never thot I will make my own 鸡香饼 at all and like the others say why call 鸡香饼 when there is no chicken element in the biscuit at all. Silly me still thot there should have something to do with the chicken. Neh... NO CHICKEN... the more important ingredient here is the "Nan Ru" - fermented beancurd and it is better to use those marinated in the "Ang Chao". One must get ready that when starting to make this biscuit, the smell of the NAN RU is very strong. It was so strong that at a point I thought I could have use the NAN RU wrongly, I mean wrong brand of NAN RU but there was no turning back at that point cos I have half ready product there waiting for me to bake them in the oven. So I prayed hard that it will turn out nice. Luckily it wasnt too bad, at least my colleague's wife comment that it was nice and the biscuit has alot of "Liao" and she enjoyed it very much. hahaha.. thanks Mrs OW. As for myself, I didnt really take alot cos I seem to lose my taste bud after making it.
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Fuchow egg noodles (Long Yan 蛋燕)

Long Yan is the Fuchow dialect pronouncation. In Chinese we can 蛋燕. It is our childhood dishes that grandma and my mother will cook. My mum has always being cooking this dishes in the early years but after she started working she cooked less and forgotten some of the recipes. (Old pple doesnt write down her recipe and based on memory) So if we missed the dishes very much, we will have to guess and I dun really like guessing if I have to cook alot as I dun want to waste a big pot of food away.

I chance upon the recipe of the egg noodles (Long Yan) in a Y3K magazine that is featuring Fuchow food but that was a few years back issue that has the recipe of the Long Yan. I couldnt find that issue anymore and regretted not buying the old magazine on the spot.

Recently, I followed these ladies who try to whip up food from Perak and some ladies out there recreate the dish and I am so delighted to try it out. Looking at the ingredient, it shouldnt be too much different. My sister and mum will be very happy to taste the dish again and I would like my BFF Viven to taste our traditional food.

Ingredients for Egg Noodles (batter) :
- 500g tapioca flour
- 190g plain flour
- 710ml water
- 1 egg (add extra eggs if you want it to be more springy)
(if you do not like to add any egg, the water should be 750ml. 1 egg->reduce 40ml water)

1. Place all the ingredient in the bowl and mix well
2) Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a pan or wok. Pour 1 ladle of batter into the wok and fry until both sides are cooked. Repeat the whole process for the remaining batter.
3) It's not necessary to add oil to the pan anymore as the pancake will not stick to the pan or if you are using non-stick pan.
4) Roll the pancake individually and use scissors to cut it. Place the freshly cut egg noodles into a serving bowl and add your choice of soup into it.
5) The balance of egg noodles can be stored in the fridge or frozen for future use. However, for refrigerated egg noodles, you need to add it into the soup to be cooked for a while before serving.
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Madam Morrice's dark Chocolate Raspherry Tart

Do you watch MasterChef TV show? I didnt manage to catch it although I watch AFC, Food Network alot cos they are my favourite TV Channel in my box. Here this lady call Audra Morrice (I like the surname) had won the Australia MasterChef challenge in Australia and she was borned and raised in Singapore. That make her once a Singaporean if I was not wrong. She published her winning dish Dark-chocolate Raspberry tart to reader. I chance upon the recipe when I read in MyPaper and I tell myself I am going to try making it.

 225g of plain flour a pinch of salt
 2 tbsp of icing sugar
 2 tbsp cocoa powder
 140g cold unsalted butter, chopped
 2 tbsp iced water

Ganache filling
500g dark chocolate (70% cent cocoa solids)
200g unsalted butter, chopped

Cherry-port jelly:
375ml Cherry port
2 tbsp caster sugar
5 gelatine leaves (gold strength)

Raspberry puree:
125g raspberries (squished or frozen)
1 tbsp icing sugar
1 tsp corn syrup or glucose

1. Pre-heat oven to 200 deg C.
2. For Pastry: Place flour, salt, sugar and cocoa powder in a food processor and process for 15 sec until combined. Add butter and process until butter is finely chopped. Add iced water slowly until it forms a dough what comes together when pressed. Wrap in cling wrap and refrigerate for 20 mins.
3. For ganache: Chop chocolate in a food preocessor until finely chopped. Place butter in a large bowl over a saucepan with 3cm of just-simmering water, then tip chocolate onto butter. Turn off heat and stir occasionally until chocolate and butter have melted. Keep bowl n saucepan until ready to use.
4. For jelly: POur port and sugar into a saucepan over medium heat, and stir until sugar has dissolved. Boil for 5 mins, then remove from heat. Soften gelatine in cold water, wiring and add into warm port mixture. Stir until dissolved, strian and keep warm until ready to use.
5. Roll pastry out between two sheets of baking paper till pastry is 3mm thick. remove one sheet and lay pastry ove a 23cm round fluted tart tin with a removable base. Press into tin, especially into sides. Remove other sheet and trim pastry. Refrigerate for 20 mins. Blind bake for 13-15 min until sides are crisp. Bake for another 10 min until base is dry. Cool in fridge for 10 min.
6. Pour warm ganache into cooled tart tin, shake gently to leve. Allow 0.5cm for jelly layer. Refrigerate for 10 min to set the ganache. Pour a layer of warm jelly on top of the tart. Allow to set in fridge for 10 min or until ready to serve.
7. For raspberry puree: Pplace respberries, sugar and glucose into a small saucepan and heat until it becomes liquid. Sieve out seeds. 8. Decorate tart with raspberries and drizzle with raspberry puree.
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My sister in law just told me another good feature of ginger. It can help to slim the tummy!!! It also help to get rid of water retention!!!. GO GO try it out.
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Banana cake using pancake mix


110g pancake mix
2 eggs
50g sugar
40g olive oil / peanut oil
90g banana
1/2 tsp lemon juice
Chocolate chip

1) Mash the banana with lemon juice to prevent it to turn dark.
2) Beat the eggs n sugar together till sugar dissolve.
3) add in the oil and mix well.
4) Add in the mashed banana n mix well.
5) Add in the flour and ensure so lump, pour into the loaf tin n sprinkle chocolate chip on top of the batter.
6) Bake in 170 deg oven for 30 - 35 min.

Note: I was very much inspired by my friend when she show me her cake using pancake flour. Here i have a pack of pancake flour store up in my kitchen cabinet. It is a good recipe to clear the pancake flour if u get sick of eating pancake. It is a great change n u dun waste it. My friend told me you can buy cheap pancake flour from Daiso. So you dun need to follow me to usr Morinaga pancake mix for this recipe. Cake using 2 eggs is not a big cake so if u see the recipe book that showing the cake raising so well but not us please dun panic. To achieve such result, you probably need to double the quantity to see that result. The cake is very soft and not butter so good for people who want to keep healthy. 

My daughter said she love banana cake so a big banana will weight around 90g but I am using the medium size banana n I put in two which is more than 90g but I think it is ok.

Sprinkle some chocolate chip on top as chocolate goes well with banana.

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材料 :
冷鸡蛋 – 2个
细砂糖 – 50g...
低筋面粉 – 60g
粟米油 – 15ml
鲜榨香兰汁 – 15ml


做法 :
1) 把冷鸡蛋 + 细砂糖中速打发起粗泡沫的蛋糊
2) 当蛋糊开始膨大及里边的泡沫开始变小时,换低速继续打发
3) 当蛋糊打发得浓稠,泛白和细致的时候,就可以加入低筋面粉
4) 分2次筛入低筋面粉,用刮刀从下而上的拌成无面粉颗粒的蛋糊
5) 最后分2次加入香兰混合液,从下而上的搅拌均匀
6) 烤箱预热160度,上下火,烤约20-25mins,或烤至蛋糕表面带金黄色
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万能饭锅之原味相思蛋糕~ by Jaclyn San

A. 全蛋 1粒
蛋黄 5粒
牛奶 60g (* 可以换成鲜橙汁, 斑斓叶汁或其他口味)...
粟米油 45g
低筋面粉/Cake Flour 65g
盐 1/4 茶匙或少许
B. 蛋白 5粒
幼糖 80g
塔塔粉 1/4 茶匙或少许

1. 蛋黄及全蛋,牛奶,粟米油和盐用手搅拌器打至起小泡, 再加入低粉打至滑待用(不要吹到风,我用布盖着)。
2. 材料B打至发泡起勾。
3. 混合 A+B 轻轻搅拌均匀。



按Menu两次,看到___在Baking, 调时间按Min,最后按cook. *其他牌子的万能饭锅也一样,按Cake或Baking,时间自己拿捏。
食谱来自BW Group~
烤箱: 7或8寸方模,蒸烘法160度烤50-60分钟或至熟(自己的烤箱自己拿捏)See More
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Non coconut kaya

4-粒A鸡蛋,加200g-幼糖搅拌均匀。 260g- 清水、4-片班兰叶,打结。


1)将糖水加入鸡蛋液搅拌均匀,过滤在小锅里拌均匀.加入斑兰叶. 2)用炖煮的方式,煮沸水后放入小锅用小火煮,要不断搅拌煮至浓即可。(不要煮到太浓,因为冷后收干会更浓)
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Sweet rice

Glutinous rice
Corn flour

1) cook the glutinous rice in the rice cooker till cooked n soft.
2) cool the rice before preparing this dessert.
3) mix the sugar into the glutinous rice, sweetness is up to individual. 
4) scoop a spoonful of rice, coat a thin layer of corn flour n pan fried it in the pan.
5) pan fried till slight burn at the edges.

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Glutinous cheese ball


100g glutinous rice flour
60g cheese
70ml milk
1 egg
1 tsp Oliver oil.

1) Mix flour and cheese.
2) Add oil n egg n mixed well.
3) Add milk n knead into dough.
4) Divide the dough into small rolled ball
5) Bake in 190 deg over n bake for 15 mins
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Cocktail - pink baby

Pink baby

3 cans of ginger beer
1.5L of 7up / sprite
1 carton of pink guava juice
Mint leave

Keep all the ingredients as cold as possible cos we are not going to add ice in the drink
1) Wash n cut the strawberry into small cubes, cut up the mint leaves.
2) Mix the ginger beer, guava juice n 7up together.
3) add strawberries n mint leaves. Viola drink completed. 

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Squid salad


Squid Salad

4 medium size Squid - clean
1 cucumber
1 stalk of colander leave
cherry tomato
2 tbsp. fish sauce
1 tbsp of sugar
4 tbsp of lime juice
chilli padi
Sesame oil
1)  Wash the squid, remove the ink sag and rinse well.
2) Boil a pot of hot water, add 1 tbsp of salt to it.
3) Blanch the squid in the hot salted boiling water for 2 mins.
4) Take out the squid and cold shock it in cold water.
5) Cut the squid into rings.
6) Cut the vegetable and mix with squid and seasoning.
7) Fridge for 1 hour, serve it when cold.
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300g plain flour
250g glutinous rice flour
160g of sugar
240 ml water
100g of cooking oil
1.5 tsp of instant yeast
drops of pandan essense
1) Mix all together and knead into a nice dough.
2) Roll out individual smaller dough each weigh around 40g
3) Let it rest for 1hr.
4) Steam for 15 min.
How difficult can it be?

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Maltiflower Knotweed & sesame Roll

Maltiflower Knotweed and Sesame Roll

600g Black sesame seed
4800g water
600g water chestnut powder
1200g sugar
150g sesame oil
19g Maltuflower Knotweed powder
1) Sitr fry sesame, then soak in iced water, add 3.9kg water & ground into thick paste. Filter out residues to make a smooth paste.
2) take sesame juice from the sesame liquid, cook with sugar & sesame oil to make sweetened solution.
3) Dissolve water chestbut powder & maltiflower knotweed with 900g of water. Strain & remove residue.
4) Heat the chestnut solution and sesame paste. stir well to make batter, then mixed with sweetened liquid.
5) Pour the mixture into a cake pan, spread slightly to make a thin layer. Steam over high heat for 5 min, cool and roll into stroll.

Note: i) Black sesame may contain impurities, so rinse it with water repeatedly to let impurities deposit at the basin, then scoop ou tthe sesame on top. Stir fry the clean sesame to remove it bad odour but dont overcook the sesame.
ii) Soak the sauteed sesame in ied water immediately after frying to lowe its temperature. Sesame is an oil ingredient, it will giev out heat automatically after being heated, soaking can prevent sesame from over-heating and turning scorched.
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No Whisk Steamed Chocolate cake

Chocolate Cake 巧克力蛋糕:
1) 250gram - butter 牛油
2) 3 - eggs 鸡蛋
A) 200 gram - sugar 幼糖 , 250ml - fresh milk 鲜奶
B)) 135 gram - cake flour 低筋粉,
60 gram - cocoa powder 巧克力粉,
1/2 tsp - baking powder 自发粉,
1/2 tsp - soda powder 苏打粉

1) Melt A under low fire. 将A材料溶化。
2) Off fire, add in butter follow by eggs.关火。加入牛油和鸡 蛋。
3) Mix well, set aside to cool down. 搅拌均匀。待冷。
4) A + B mix well. 将A+B 材料搅拌均匀。
5) Steam under medium fire for 45 mins will do. 中火蒸上45分钟或至熟透就可以了。
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Serves 4

2 tablespoons oil
¼ teaspoon fenugreek seeds
5 cloves garlic, chopped
1 onion, chopped
1 stalk curry leaves, plucked and chopped
1 green and 1 red finger-length chilli, halved and deseeded
3 ripe tomatoes, quartered
2 tablespoons tamarind pulp, mashed with 1 cup (250ml) hot water and strained to obtain juice
3 tablespoons fish curry powder
One 450g can sardines in tomato sauce
Salt, to taste
  • Heat the oil in a saucepan and sauté the fenugreek seeds for a few seconds. Add the garlic, onion, curry leaves and chillies and sauté until golden and fragrant, about 2 minutes. Stir in the tomato and sauté for 1-2 more minutes.
  • Pour in the tamarind juice and add the curry powder, then cover and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes. Stir in the sardines and continue to simmer uncovered for 3 more minutes. Season with salt to taste and remove from the heat. Serve immediately.
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Baked Cheesecake

Baked Cheese Cake

Mixture A
70 ml milk
10g sugar
100g cream cheese
30ml of heavy cream
2 tsp lemon juice
2 eggs yolk
30g of cake flour
5g of corn flour

Mixture B
2 cold eggs white
30g of sugar
1/2 tsp of lemon juice

Using 6" tin

1) Set oven temperature to 180 deg. Grease a 6" tin or a loaf tin. Line with baking sheet. Prepare a pot of hot water.
2) Mix cream, milk, cream cheese, 5g of sugar together over a low fire. Careful not to boil it.
3) When all ingredient mix well, remove from the heat and add in the egg one after another into the mixture. Set aside
4) Whisk the eggs white till there are bubbles then add sugar 1/3 at a time till mixed well and lemon juice. Whisk till it just form the peak. Dun over whisk it.
5) Mix the cake flour and cornflour then sieve the flour into the cheese mixture.
6) Add half of the whisked egg white to the cheese mixture, then pour all the cheese mixture into the egg white and mix well.
7)  Pour into the baking tin. Let the tin sit on a deep tray of boiling water prepared earlier and bake at 180deg for 15 min.
8) After 15min, lower the temperature to 110deg. Meanwhile open the oven door for  1 - 2 min to allow the temperature to drop then closed the oven door and let the cheese cake baked for 40min. 
9) When cooked, overturn and cool on the rack. Chill in the fridge overnite for better texture.

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Lemon pound cake

Lemon pound cake

3 eggs (AA size)
150g butter - melted
150g sugar
150g cake flour
1 lemon

1) melt the butter and set aside
2) grate the lemon to obtain the zest
3) whisk the egg n sugar till plain yellow
4) sieve the flour into the egg mixture
5) add the lemon zest n mixture well
6) pour half of the mixture into the melted butter n mix well
7) pour the butter mixture into the egg mixture. Mix well n pour into the tin to bake 40 min for 170deg. 
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Pickle Papaya

Pickle Papaya from Wendyinkk

1kg firm green papaya
2 tbsp salt
300gm rice wine vinegar
300gm of sugar
4 chili padi

1) Boil vinegar and sugar till the sugar dissolve. Set aside to cool.
2) Cut the papaya into half, peel the skin away and slice into think slices.
3) Marinate the sliced papaya with salt for 15 min and not more.
4) After 15 mins, wash the sliced papaya thoroughly to remove the salt. Shake off excess water no need to squeeze.
5) Place papaya slices into non reactive container (eg, glass, stainless steel, ceramic)
6) Roughly chopped the chili padi and add into the papaya slices.
7) Pour the vinegar solution over the papaya slices, ensure all the papaya slices submerge in the solution.
8) Let the papaya sits in the solution for 2 hrs. If too sour, add more sugar. If too sweet, add more vinegar. This depends on individual tastebud.

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这本"烘培新手" 很好。Popular有卖可我没买,在图书馆里给我找到就借了回家。真的是一本很好的书,烘培的每一个步奏都说的很仔细清楚让我好想拥有它。 

书里有样 "兰姆酒"原来是 rum.. Heee
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烫面香草味北海道戚风杯子蛋糕 by Vinnie Baking

A = 牛奶 90克,植物油 30克,幼糖 20克。

B = 低筋面粉 90克。

C=蛋黄 90克。

D= 蛋白 180克,幼糖 40克,塔塔粉 1克。



2. 把蛋白打至发泡加入半份白糖和塔塔粉,继续搅拌至蛋白呈现细腻才加入剩余白糖,继续打至硬性发泡即可。

3. 把2/4蛋白加入蛋黄糊里搅拌均匀,再倒回剩余蛋白里,轻轻拌匀即可。

4. 把面糊舀入纸杯里,9分满就好,然后以预先预热上下火180度的烤炉里,烤约15 分钟或至熟即可!

5. 待凉后才挤入香草奶油馅和装饰,然后冷藏才好吃的!


材料 (A)

即溶蛋黄粉  23g
牛奶 75g
香草精  1/2茶匙

材料 (B)

鲜奶油  50g (打发)



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2.用electric hand mixer 把蛋白打到出泡泡,分三次加入细沙糖,打至硬性发泡这很重要,一定要很硬.
2.改用刮刀把(1) 粉两次加入蛋白里搅拌均匀.
5.预热烤箱160‘'C 25 分钟.


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老式鸡蛋糕 (7小颗)
鸡蛋 2粒
低粉 60g
... 细糖 40g
粟米油 6g
牛奶 6g

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Herbal Drunkard Prawn

Herbal Drunkard Prawn


当归 - 5 slices
红枣 - a handful
枸杞子 - a handful
water - 1000ml

Live fresh prawn - 1 kg
Chiva hard liquer - 1/2 cup

1) In a pot, add water, and (A) and bring it to boil. Turn to small fire and continue to simmer for 15 mins to make into herbal stock.
2) Rinse the live prawn, add Chiva or any hard liquer you like and marinate the prawn with the liquer for 5 - 10 mins. The prawns will get "excited" the moment the liquer was poured in so make sure u cover up the prawns and prevent it from jumping out.
3) Turn the fire back to high and make sure the water is boiling before you add in the prawn.
4) Add a tablespoon of oil into the stock, divided the prawns into 3 batches and add each batch into the stock to cook for 3 - 5 mins. Make sure the prawns turn red which mean it was cooked. Remember not to over cooked the prawn.
5) Dish out the prawns and wait for the stock to be boiling before adding in the next batch.
6) Garnish the prawns with coriandar leaves and serve.

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Coca Cola Chicken Wing

Coca Cola Chicken Wing

  • 8 (about 320grams) mid joint chicken wings
  • 1 tbsp cooking oil
  • 200 ml regular Coca-Cola (do not use diet or flavoured Coke)
  • 200 ml water
  • 1 tsp light soy sauce
  • 1-2 tsp dark soy sauce
  • 1 tsp sesame oil

1) Marinade the chicken wings in light soy sauce, dark soy sauce and sesame oil for 15 minutes.
2) Heat oil in wok or saucepan and brown chicken on both sides.
3) Add Coca-Cola, water and leftover marinade sauce. Simmer for 15-20 minutes until the sauce is reduced to a thick & sticky syrup, turning once halfway.

Note: In my picture, I used 15 wings and I did not add in alot of dark soya sauce so the result is brown and not dark.
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~班兰千层蛋糕~ Pandan Layered Cake <妈妈们的私房菜>

~班兰千层蛋糕~ Pandan Layered Cake













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3)把龙眼排入模型中,把没有加入紫色素的燕菜待冷倒入模中,等到稍微凝固时,慢慢从模边倒入300ml 的白色燕菜。等到白色燕菜稍微凝固时,在倒入150ml的紫色燕菜,稍微凝固在倒入150ml白色燕菜,层层叠叠的直到全部燕菜倒完为止。
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Rainbow Agar Agar 彩虹燕菜

Rainbow Agar Agar 彩虹燕菜

*** 谢谢 Samantha Ting 的食谱***

材料: 锅两个,燕菜条两包,浓椰浆250ml ,香兰叶两束,糖,冰糖14粒,色素

做法 : *两个锅分别为 A 锅和 B 锅

(我用8x8 每层倒180ml燕菜液)

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班兰燕菜糕 烘培厨房


半小匙pandan paste

)同时间把材料B的燕菜粉和糖混合在锅内,倒入水、班兰汁及pandan paste,煮滚之后再转小火继续煮至燕菜粉完全溶解。

上传者: Kathrine Kwa
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